Grounding and Centering

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The technique for grounding and centering is essential not only for ritual and magic, but a beneficial practice to get into for life itself. 

What is grouding?

Grounding is a way to reinforce your connection to the Earth. It's very easy in our world today to lose that connection. Even if we love our modern conveniences, we don't want to feel too disconnected to the planet. We are not in nature; we are of nature. We are part of the Earth.

Grounding can be done before and after magick spells in order to release excess energy. Basically, you're just re-astablishing your connection to Earth.


How you may feel if you're not Grounded:

Lost, Lonely, Empty, Running on Auto-pilot, Feeling like a robot.


What is Centering?

Centering is when you reinforce your connection to yourself. It's bringing your energy into focus to help you feel more balanced. When you center, you get in touch with your true self, your spirituality, your emotions, your thoughts, your creativity. You are able to better put things into perspective. 


How you may feel if you're not Centered:

Hyper-active, nervous energy, overwhelmed, Forgetful


How to Center yourself:

Create a Mantra ( repeated word/phrase ) or use "As Above, So Below".

Sit down, Eyes closed in a meditation position. ( you can also just calm down and sit, As long as you're comfy).

Softly whisper your mantra, only think of the mantra. 

You are important, so only you in the moment.

How to Ground Yourself :

Meditation help example

Imagine that you are in a beautiful spot in nature, perhaps on a hill where you can see woods and flowers and animals around you. Center yourself. When you have done so and are relaxed, gently begin to expand your center downwards through your body until it meets with the earth below you.

 It is easier to do this the first time if you are outside and can actually feel the ground, but it is not necessary. Before you go any further, listen to your own heartbeat, your own inner music. Keep hold of that, as it will help you stay within yourself and move to meet the earth at the same time. Press down through the earth until you can feel like you are also a part of it. 

Sink a root deep into the earth like a tree does. Extend yourself out a bit further and listen. Listen for the music of the earth, the deep drumming rhythm of her heartbeat. Listen to how it matches your own. Connect the two and feel her around you. This place is where you can draw from when your own energy is low, when you need comfort, or when you just need to dump out bad feelings and energy. 

The earth will take it all and recycle it and return it to you. When your connection to the earth is secure, draw some of its energy into yourself. 

Let it fill you until you are full. When you reach that point, imagine it coming out the top of your head like a tree trunk or as branches. Reach them up into the sky. Feel the energy of the sun and the world and let it come into you as well, mixing with the others, driving away all the dark, murky, and bad corners of the soul. 

When everything is balanced and steady in you, see your branches drooping back over and brushing the earth in a graceful arch. Let them connect into the earth and let the energy flow through you, up and around and return through the branches to the earth in a large, slow circle. When you feel clean and whole, slowly stop the flow of energy. Close off your root to the earth a bit and return to your own center. 

Stay in this place until you feel whole and rested and within yourself again. This may take some time. If you have trouble, place your palms flat on the ground and force some of the energy back out of you and into it.


Fast Grounding and Centering for the Modern Witch;

Put in your earbuds or put on your headset. Create a playlist of the best songs that make you happy. Sit down with one hand on the ground/bed and one in the air. Whisper or lipsinc the lyrics while visualizing clean energy coming in your hand from the air and old energy put back into the floor.

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