Chapter Five

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"Do your best to forget about the first impression! Bakugou can be quite.. alarming." Kirishima explained while leading Ochako to her room.

"Bakugou? Is that his name?" Uraraka asked Eijiro.

"Katsuki Bakugou." Iida corrected.

"Yep, that's him!" Kirishima changed the topic. "Seeing that this is gonna be your new home, make yourself comfortable! Feel free to go wherever you want!"

"Except the west wing." Iida interrupted.

"What's the west wing?" Ochako asked.

Kirishima gave him a look.

The look.

"..which we do not have!" Iida corrected himself.

"What's in the west wing?" Ochako questioned, not buying it.

"Oh it's nothing!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Nothing!" Iida repeated.

"It's storage space!" Kirishima assured her.

"Storage space!" Iida repeated after Kirishima.

Uraraka listened in confusion.

"This way to the east wing, please." Iida moves on, showing Ochako to the east wing.

"Or as I like to call it; the ONLY wing! Haha!" Kirishima tried to be convincing.

The trio arrived at Uraraka's room soon enough. They opened the doors and Kirishima proudly stated, "Welcome to your new home!"

As Ochako walked in Kirishima added, "It's modest, but totally comfortable!"

Ochako gapped at her new room. It was beautifully decorated with the colors good and pink. The bed looked so large and comfortable. "it's.. beautiful..." Uraraka whispered.

"Obviously! Bakugou wanted you to have the best room in the castle!" Kirishima hopped up on the bed. "Very manly, if you ask me."

"Bonjour! Don't worry, I'll have this place spotless In no time!" A pink duster came flying in, dusting off the walls.

"Is everything in here alive?" Uraraka questioned as she picked up a hairbrush and started to talk to it.

"Hello, whats you name?" She asked the hairbrush.

Kirishima face palmed while the pink duster, Mina, giggled.

"That is a hairbrush." Iida stated.

Uraraka put the hairbrush down and rolled her eyes.

Suddenly, the wardrobe next to her came to life.

It was.. singing?

Ochako was startled and backed away.

Kirishima hopped off the bed. "Don't be alarmed, it's just your wardrobe, dude!" He chuckled. "Meet Momo Yaoyorozu!"

"Bonjour!" Momo greeted her.

"Momo, we brought someone for you to dress!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Ooh! Finally! A woman!" Momo pulled Ochako closer so she could examine her.

"Pretty eyes! Proud face! Perfect canvas, yes! I will find you something worthy of a princess!" Momo said happily.

"Oh, I'm not a princess." Ochako explained.

"Nonsense! Now, let's see what I've got!"

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