Chapter Two

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Haven 😊👆


I growled as my mother spoke. "But Mom, why do I have to go? I hate them with a burning passion!"

Mom sighed at my outburst. "I know, but sweetey, they specifically requested the Alpha and his family. You are apart of his family."

I rolled my eyes. "When do we leave?"

Mom gnawed on her bottom lip. "Tomorrow."

I groaned, not pleased by her answer. "And how long are we going to be staying there?"

She sighed again. "Until the matter is sorted out."

I whipped my head, staring at her in shock. "Are you serious? That could take weeks, maybe even months! Their Alpha is rude and stubborn, and if he believes we did it, then it's gonna take a lot for him to realize we are innocent!"

Mom nodded. "I know. I agree with you completely, but your dad thinks it will go by quicker when we give him evidence and such."

I rolled my eyes, laughing humorously. "Yeah, like that's gonna happen. He'll just freakin' declare war on us or something out of spite."

Before my mom could answer, Maize came hopping down the stairs, humming an unknown tune. When she hopped off the last step, she looked up at Mom and I with her big blue eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asked, curiosity swirling in her eyes.

I sighed. "Maize, we have to go to the Full Moon Pack for a while."

Her eyes widened, and then she later at our mother. "Why are we going there? A boy from their pack pushed me down today, and he just laughed at me. I don't like them."

"Trust me, May, I feel the same," I chuckled, holding out my fist. She fist-bumped me back, a small smile on her lips.

Mom tried not to smile. "Girls, they may be really nice. You just don't know them very well."

Maize and I rolled our eyes simultaneously, neither one of us falling for her bullcrap.

"Mom, don't try to be nice. They all suck," I replied, Maize chuckling at my comment.

Mom just sighed and pinched the brim of her nose. "Just go pack. Pack enough stuff for a week, and if you need more clothes, we can always come get more. Also, you two are sharing a room."

I smile at my little sister and high-fived her. "Roomies! Last person to pack has to walk to the other pack!"

Maize giggled and raced up the stairs, with me following after her.

Unlike most older siblings, I loved my little sister. She was cute and funny and very well my best friend. Even though we have a hefty age gap, her being nine and I being seventeen, I still thought she was awesome. She had curly blonde hair, round blue eyes, and the sweetest smile I've ever seen. She is a clone of my mother, besides her curly hair.

Maize darted into her room, closing the door. I rushed into mine and began packing as quickly as I can. I threw random graphic tees and skinny jeans, along with some sweaters and tanks. I tossed my sneakers, flats, and boots into the immense suitcase and zipped it up. I whipped open the door and ran into Maize's room.

"Done!" I laughed, giggling at her crossed arms and pouty lips.

"No fair! I haven't Turned yet!" She frowned.

I just laughed and messed up her wild curls, causing Maize to scrunch up her nose.

Mom walked through the open doorway, chuckling at us. "I'm guessing you two are packed."

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