Chapter Twenty-One

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(A/N) If it doesn't specify whose point of view it is in, then it is in Corabella's P.O.V. For example, this chapter is in Cora's point of view. Sorry if this confuses anyone.


I woke up, jolted upward somehow. I blinked my eyes a bit to clear my blurry vision to see Thomas in the driver's seat, driving quickly. I looked around a bit more and noticed that we are in a car, and there are suitcases piled up in the seats around me. 

Th car jolted again, making me jump up in my seat. The seat belt slung lazily around my waist tightened as I was thrust into it, and I slowly begin to sit up.

"Thomas?" I questioned, rubbing my eyes sleepily. "Where are we going?"

Thomas glanced back at me in the rear view mirror, gnawing on his lip worriedly. I knew that look; he was hiding something from me.

"Thomas," I said lowly, "why is all of our stuff packed in here?"

He kept his gaze on the road, not so much as glancing back at me. His hands twitched on the steering wheel, fidgeting in discomfort. I glared at him as the thought struck my mind.

"Thomas, I swear to God if you are taking me back to Montana, I am going to rip you to shreds," I snarled at him dangerously.

He still refused to look at me, and I felt my anger rising inside of me, like lava bubbling up, preparing to erupt. "If we are on our way to Montana, I am going to make us crash, or even throw myself out of this car."

"No, you won't," he said nervously.

I growled at him, causing him to jump. "Do you really want to try me?"

His eyes darted back to me worriedly, but after a moment, smirked victoriously. "Go ahead, jump out of the car. Won't bother me a bit."

Glaring at him, I reached over and swung the car door open. Without thinking, I launched myself from the vehicle to land in a strong pair of arms. I glanced up to see my dad peering down at me, tears in his eyes.

"Corabella, you have come back," he murmured softly, hugging me tight against him.

I hopped out of his arms and land on soft grass. "Trust me, it wasn't willingly."

A look of pain and hurt flashed across his eyes before he forced a smile on his face. "Well, let me show you to our pack house. Ajex won't even know you're here."

My heart stopped as his name came out of my father's mouth, and I gasped as if the breath had been sucked out of me. Thomas was immediately by my side, pressing me against his chest. I took deep breaths until it came easily. My father stared at me worriedly, flicking between me and Thomas.

"What's wrong? Was it something I did?" He asked.

Thomas sighed behind me. "You see, she doesn't respond well to..."

Thomas's voice faded out as the memories began to flood to the front of my mind. This only happened when I was drunk or when I heard his name; it was worse if I heard his name.

There was the first time our eyes met, and the first time I actually saw his deep forest-green eyes. I had been captivated by their deepness and their beauty, and hadn't been able to look away. They had this affect on me; it was something I couldn't quite control.

There was when he actually smiled at me for the first time. His smile had brightened everything around him, including my dismal attitude. He could end wars and stop crime with a smile like that. 

There was the time he wrapped his war arms around my waist and pressed me against him, nuzzling his nose against my neck. He had inhaled sharply, causing shivers to run up and down my spine. 

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