Chapter Eight

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Ajex and I had finally reached his packhouse, and I had already been glared at twelve times. Not off to a great start so far.

Ajex asked James and Connor to help him carry my stuff up to Ajex's, I mean, our room. James sent me an assuring smile while Connor looked at me like I was trash.

He needs to learn his place, my wolf growled, not enjoying all the negative attention we were currently recieving.

Calm down, we aren't even the Luna yet, I hissed back, not wanting to draw any more attention to us.

She just growled as we followed the guys up the stairs. Once we reached Aj- our room, Connor dumped some of my bags on the ground and stomped out, not once speaking. James, on the other hand, set the bags and boxes down nicely and striked up a friendly conversation with me.

"I bet this is a bit overwhelming, isn't it?" James whistled, giving me a sideways glance.

I nodded. "Yeah, a bit. Everyone keeps glaring at me."

He chuckled. "Probably because no one here is a fan of you. No offense, but word has it that you're plotting a sneak attack on us."

I rolled my eyes. "Please, as if I could keep something that big secret." I paused, looking at him curiously. "Do you believe that?"

He shook his head. "You have beem nothing but nice since you arrived with your family. I have nothing against you."

I sighed, looking at him with full honesty. "Do you think they'll accept me? The pack?"

James thought for a moment. I watched him as he thought, curious as to what he thought. After a few moments of silence, he looked at me and said, "Maybe, after they got to know you. However, some people, like Connor, for example, may not. People are stuck in their beliefs, unable to escape in fear of resentment or judgement. These emotions control us, and they control them. Out of fear of the unknown, some people won't. Out of resentment from their friends, some people won't. Some people are going to have to be brave enough to trust and accept you, like I have."

I smiled at him. I was happy to have at least one friend here besides Ajex, and that he was so honest. Honesty was a major thing for me.

"Thanks, James," I said, still smiling.

He nodded. "Anything for the Luna."

Ajex walked in at that moment, causing our attention to turn to him. "Thank you for your help, James. You are dismissed."

James nodded at him, then turned to me. "If you ever need anything, just come to me. I am willing to aid you with whatever you wish." With that, he spun on his heel and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Ajex then turned to me, with a sad smile. "I'm sad to say, he's right."

I frowned. "What?"

"I was listening to you two talk. I would tell you to not be so insecure, but the pack is protective of their own, so letting an outsider in is hard for them, especially since you are from our enemy pack. But with a bit of time and a lot of kindness, they will grow to love and accept you," he told me, taking my hand in his. Tingles ran up and down my arm from his touch, causing my anxiety to dim.

After a minute, he clapped his hands together and smiled. "Okay, let's get to unpacking."

We began to unpack my bags, cramming them into two new dressers Ajex had bought for me. I hung up a few articles of clothing in the closet, next to some of Ajex's business suits.

I would love to see him in one of those, my wolf purred. I mentally scolded her, concentrating on placing clothes on hangers.

"Uh, Corabella?"

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