Chapter 11

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(Media picture of Westlee)

Hey guys I'm so sorry it's been a year since my last update and I know normally when I'm gone a long time I post an extravagant chapter that'll leave you on edge, but this something to hold off because unfortunately it's going to be a minute before I can update again but the thanks for this is going to MeliNyaho653 who cared enough to message me and for the appreciation here's chapter 11❤️


Justin POV:

So Eva saw Elliot, and due to some reluctant reading there are rare cases where mates that are years apart, the older one will know. Usually it's in closer time to the 17th birthday like with mom and dad, but it's clear so that Elliot can be her mate. I don't think we shouldn't have seen this coming, but Eva always dated the guys I would hate the most.. just so happen to be her criteria, and I no longer think she did it on purpose.

Dad, however, was a different story. When Eva yelled she was going to go see him, dad flipped shit. He absolutely hated the idea and broke the back door before going and trying to yell some sense into her. We all knew that wasn't going to work, just like mom, Eva is bullheaded. She let him scream and then told him what was going to happen, how it was going to happen and that he just needs to accept it. I expected chairs flying, door lockings, and housebound spells. The real turn of events were much more anticlimactic, mom came through and talked to him. After he finally said ok, Eva went to the pack house and was there for a couple hours. But one thing I left out was, that dad had a couple terms to be agreed upon, that in given time they will undergo a meeting with some elders that can actually determine if Elliot is her mate. And if not dad promised to be break every bone in his body, and leave him to the rogues. Which I deem fair.

That was a couple days ago though. As of now my dad and a couple his strongest/smartest enforcers are trying to figure out who's the guy that ultimately destroyed my birthday party, and was raping my dreams. We are no closer to finding him than we were weeks ago, he hasn't made a appearance and during the clean up his body wasn't found so we had to presume he's still alive. It sucks because all we know is that he wants to make me to suffer the life of a family member. One of our most popular ideas for him not showing his face is because, Jacob died. Yes he came back, but the idea was to lose a family member and I did. The real question is, was the loophole thin enough to let it go?

I'm trying not to get comfortable with the fact that I haven't had the dreams with him. Grant it I have had dreams that are out of the norm, but nothing like before. I learned to keep the good snippets of the future to myself, I learned when I tell the good things, they never happen. But the bad things can be prevented, at least in most cases.

On an unrelated note Westlee has agreed to take upon training, and learn how to be a actual werewolf. The only thing that has people confused is what are the action points in finding out you have a older brother who would be heir to the thrown after being told your whole life you're heir to the thrown. With my history I'm thankful for their amnesty but I know there's still despise. I honestly fear the fact that maybe and just maybe they wouldn't mind a clean slate, someone who only knows by the book and judgment isn't clouded by history. Westlee will be new meat, an outside hire, the question just happens to be, is that what the pack would prefer instead?

As for me I've been thinking hard core about my life, what I could do better and if I could see someone that'll help me use my "gift" to packs advantage and secure my title as future Alpha. Thinking of Amunet as often as I blink, I want her to be my mate and if she is not only would I be the happiest man alive I can become alpha and have the best woman I know be Luna. As of now I'm still dreamless as the creep is still out there and as I'm sure he's probably getting ready to strike again.

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