Just Friends

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You and Bucky were best friends. Just friends. Nothing more, nothing less.

Nat and Steve always tried to "accidentally" get the two of you alone together, but it never worked. Maybe it never worked because both of you were stubborn as hell and refused to admit anything. 

It was a rainy day and everyone was out, surprisingly. Nat, Clint, and Steve had headed out for brunch, Tony and Pepper were shopping with Morgan, and Bruce was at some science fair giving kids their awards.

That left just you and Bucky.

You walked into the living room, bundled up in Bucky's hoodie. He smiled at you from the couch and you smiled back.

"Hot chocolate?" he asked. You nodded and ran into the kitchen.

"I'll get the marshmallows!" you said with a laugh. He laughed as well and followed you into the kitchen. He grabbed some hot chocolate mix and put some water in the tea kettle to heat up.

You threw a marshmallow at him and hopped up on the counter. He raised an eyebrow and you giggled.


"You're going to throw one at me regardless."

"Mhmm, you know me so well!" You slid down from the counter and opened the hot chocolate mix and poured it into two mugs. Bucky leaned around you to grab a spoon. The tea kettle began to whistle and he poured the water into the mugs. He mixed one up and handed it to you before preparing the other. You put a few marshmallows in each cup before setting the bag on the counter.

"We are a great team," Bucky smiled as he took a sip.

"Hell yeah we are." You smiled back before heading to the couch. Bucky sat next to you and took a sip from his hot chocolate. You listened to the rain drumming against the windows and leaned your head in Bucky's shoulder.

"Wanna dance?" you asked. You knew Bucky was smiling, and you knew he would say yes.

You stood and grabbed Bucky's hand before he could answer. You left the mugs on a side table and opened your phone to Spotify. You shuffled a playlist and set your phone back down.

"It's a bit slower than usual," you explained as the first song started. Bucky shrugged and stepped closer. He put one hand on your waist and held your hand with the other. You put your hand in his shoulder and you began to sing quietly to the first song. It was 'Lost in You' by khai dreams, one of your favorites.

"I'm just looking for some balance and some trust, I'm just looking for some mutual love," you sang as Bucky dipped you. A startled expression crossed his face and he suddenly let go. You fell backwards on your butt and you glared at him.

"What the hell, Barnes?" You rolled your eyes and stood up. He backed away slightly and pointed a finger at you.

"I can't be in love with you!" he exclaimed. You crossed your arms and tilted your head.

"That hurts, James."

"Don't call me that right now! Please, I'm just trying to figure this out."

"Was it the song? It was the song. God, I'm such a dumbass." You grabbed your phone and paused the song.

"Ok, Y/n, you know how Natasha and Steve are always trying to get us together?"

"Yeah? What, did it work?" you joked.

"I think so," he said slowly.

"Huh." You sat on the couch. "It would be weird to date my best friend."

Bucky's shoulders slumped and you sighed. You stood up and wrapped him in a hug. He tensed up at first but then relaxed. After a few seconds, you whispered in his ear.

"I said it would be weird, not that it should be weird."

Bucky pulled away slightly and looked at you in confusion. You smiled and leaned in quickly to give him a quick kiss on the lips before breaking away and running off.

"Catch me if you can!" you yelled over your shoulder. Bucky smirked and took off after you.


y'all should listen to khai dreams 11/10

also mxmtoon is going on tour but the tickets are 111 dollars and ya girl is bROKE

peace :)


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