Just Friends 《 Part 6 》

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i would like everyone to know that i am very proud of this chapter

You poked your head into Bucky's room and saw that it was empty. You grinned and ran towards his suitcase to steal one of his hoodies. As you were pulling it on, the light flicked on and you whirled around in surprise.

"I'm not surprised," Bucky said. He set the popcorn bowl down and put the bag of Reeses and Skittles next to it. He grabbed the remote and sat on the bed. He patted the space next to him and you ran over to jump on the bed.

He turned on the T.V. and stood from the bed to turn the lights off and shut the door.

"Gimme," you said with both hands outstretched. He smiled and placed the Skittles in your hands.

"There ya go, doll." He sat next to you and placed an arm around your shoulders.

"What movie should we watch?" you mused. Bucky clicked on Netflix and looked at you.

"Whatever you want," he said.

"What about Coraline?" you asked. Bucky laughed and began to search for it.

"You really love that movie, huh," he said as he clicked on it. The opening theme began playing and you smiled.

"I do," you murmured.


Halfway through the movie, the two of you had switched to playing Truth or Dare. The movie stayed on in the background, throwing shades of blue and green light across your faces.

"Truth or dare?" Bucky asked.

"Truth," you said with a wide smile. Bucky hummed in thought, then looked directly into your eyes.

"What makes your heart go all fluttery?"

"Huh?" you asked in confusion. Bucky leaned forward and placed his hand on your knee. He ran his hand up your leg to rest on your thigh.

Your breath hitched as his hands slid up to your waist. His blue eyes locked onto yours as he leaned in and kissed your jaw.

"Does this make your heart all fluttery?" he mumbled. You nodded sharply as your heart raced a hundred miles per hour. He continued to kiss along your jaw to your ear where he paused to whisper.


His hands moved to the small of your back and he pulled you into his lap.

"H-hang on," you stammered. "I'm getting really hot."

Bucky grinned and let you pull his hoodie off. Underneath you wore a tank top. Bucky wrapped his arms around you again and kissed your neck.

"Does this make your heart fluttery?"

You inhaled sharply as Bucky continued kissing his way down your neck. As he placed a kiss on your shoulder, you muttered, "I'm never playing Truth or Date ever again."

Bucky laughed quietly but pulled away to kiss your lips softly. You moved your hands to his neck and you tried to ignore the frantic beat of your heart and how Bucky's hand were like fire on your back. His hands slid to trace shapes on your thighs, and you sighed against his lips. His fingers were burning words into your skin as his lips once again kissed along your jawline.

"Holy fuck," someone yelled. You jolted away from Bucky and saw Sam standing at the door.

Your cheeks flushed a bright red as you slid off Bucky's lap. "Hey, Sam," you muttered. Steve and Nat materialized behind him.

"We did it!" Steve said to Nat. They highfived and moved into Bucky's room.

"So, when were you gonna tell us?" Nat asked.

"How long has this been going on for?" Steve said at the same time.

"I don't need to answer your questions," Bucky replied simply.

"He just wants to get back to making out with Y/n," Sam grinned. You hid your face in your hands and tried to steady your breathing.

"Bye," Bucky said. You felt him get off the bed and shut the door, much to the protests of everyone on the other side.

"Hey, sweetheart." Bucky pulled your hands from your face and kissed your cheek. "It's ok."

"This is why I set forth the promise," you mumbled. Bucky laughed and tilted his head with a smile in his eyes.

"Well, now they know." He wrapped his arms around you to pull you into a hug. His hands rubbed circles on your back and you yawned.

Bucky pulled away and rested his head on the pillow. You laid down facing him and he slung an arm over your waist.

"Still wanna see the sunrise with me tomorrow?" he whispered. You nodded and moved closer against him to rest your head on his chest.

"Goodnight, Buckybear," you murmured. He smiled and kissed the top of your head.

"Night, doll."


well this chapter was spicy

anyways the secret is out,,,maybe one more part?? tell me if you want more


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