Just Friends 《 Pt. 2 》

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haha a second part because i wanted to continue this story

It was vacation time.

No aliens, power-hungry gods, or crazed titans had attacked New York or the world in a long time. It was decided collectively to go on a vacation to a beach down in Florida. Tony rented a beach house on a secluded beach and notified the airport of the departure to they could ready his private jet.

You had packed and were sitting in your room, scrolling through Instagram. Someone knocked at your door. You put your phone down and went to open it.

"Bucky?" you said.

"Can I come in?"

You stepped out of the way and closed the door after him. "What's up?"

"Ok, I think we shouldn't tell them just yet about...us."

"And why is that?" You sat down on your bed again, but he stayed standing.

"I just want a relaxing vacation," he said. "It's already going to be a pain to get this fucking thing through security."

"And 'this fucking thing' is your arm, right?"

"What else?"

"I dunno," you shrugged. "Well, if we're not telling them, then I guess no kissing this entire trip. No compromising positions to explain away, no flirting. Promise?"

"God, you're killing me, Y/n," he mumbled as he moved closer to you. He leaned down and kissed you softly. Your hands ran up his arms to his shoulders as you kissed him back. He pulled away and stood back up. Your hands fell from his shoulders and you stood up as well.

"Promise?" you repeated. Bucky's eyes glanced at your lips and back up to your eyes. You smiled and leaned in again.

"Promise," he mumbled against your lips.

"We gotta go!" Steve yelled from somewhere in the compound. Bucky leaned in for another kiss but you placed a hand on his chest.

"You promised."

Bucky groaned and walked towards the door. He opened it with a flourish and smiled at you. "After you, sugar."

"Thank you." You smiled back and walked through the door with your suitcase in hand.

"Wanna sit together on the plane?" Bucky closed your door and sped up a little to walk besides you.

"Guess I have to, huh," you said with a laugh. Bucky chuckled and grabbed his backpack from the couch. The two of you continued onto the kitchen where everyone was gathered.

"Ready to go?" asked Tony. Everyone replied in a chorus of 'yeahs.' He opened the door and everyone filed out, talking excitedly of the vacation awaiting them.


You looked out the window at the thick clouds below you. Bucky's head was on your shoulder, his eyes tightly shut. You sighed and checked your phone. One more hour.

"Hey," said Nat as she paused by your seats. "Want a snack? Oh, sorry, I didn't realize!"

"What?" you asked in confusion as you prayed she didn't know.

"You already have one right there." She pointed a finger at Bucky and you rolled your eyes.

"Ha, really funny," you said sarcastically. She laughed and walked off.

You tapped your finger on your leg, wondering what to do. You debated waking Bucky up to talk. Lately you had been listening to a lot of music, and you wanted to talk to him about it.

"Bucky," you whispered. His eyes fluttered open and he sat up all the way.

"Have a good nap?" you asked with a smile. He smiled back and nodded.

"Mhmm, thanks for asking. But why did you wake me up?"

"I wanted to talk to someone."



"Sure," he replied.

"Cool!" You pulled out your phone and earbuds and pulled up your Spotify. You searched up a song quickly and handed an earbud to Bucky.

"There's this band I started listening to called Waterparks. They're pretty cool."

"Play a song then, sweetheart," he grinned.

"This song reminds me of us," you said as you tapped on the song 'Lucky People.'

"Does that break the promise?" he asked with a smirk.

"Nope," you replied.


spotify premium gang where you at

anywayssss,,,i'm waiting for the john mulaney show thingy to come on the tv

alsO this is gonna be a series y'all aid you don't like it the door is right over there

pls go listen to waterparks and geek out over them with me and namtna



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