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Wind was blowing up Mina's dress. I mean, it's kind of guaranteed if you intentionally stand over an air conditioner vent.

Mina was at work like every other working person on a Monday. A day has gone by since the party and she still couldn't forget it. Being social for the first time in years was bound to have its benefits and disadvantages.

Firstly, after Mina spiller her wine all over Jung Hoseok's shirt, she was a blushing mess. You could cook eggs on those cheeks of hers.

Secondly, as he drove her home (which she tried to deny over and over again to no avail), she couldn't help but notice how good looking he was. Pretty nose, sharp jawline, puffed lips. It was dark but yet she could make out each of his facial features with definitive detail.

Thirdly, she couldn't forget the smile he gave her when she tried to pay for his dry cleaning. He calmly refused and thanked her for coming to the party.

If you're wondering where Hana went that night, well, her and that waitress really did get along.  

But back to Mina standing over the vent. She was crammed into a tiny elevator with 10 other people. Some she recognized to be her co-workers. Mina didn't even try to involve herself with her co-workers' life. She knew that it would only cause her headaches so she tended to politely greet them and leave them be. As long as they did the job, she saw no reason to bother them for reasons other than work.

She exited the elevator. The marble floors of the halls leading up to the office left no mercy to those who wanted to be ninjas. 

She pushed open the door to her office and was shocked by the lack of her gay bubbly secretary.

Instead, someone else sat in her place. "Good morning Ms. Kim. Hana called out sick this morning."

"Ah." She gave a short nod, suddenly uncomfortable by the lack of her sidekick.

She walked past her secretary's desk wishing that she could talk about the party with Hana.

She closed and locked her office door and looked around suspiciously one last time before making a phone call to Hana.

It rang a few times before Hana answered.


"Dude why are you so loud?" Hana groaned.

"Because you fucking left me here with a stand-in secretary who's a normal prissy professional bitch."

"Sorry I had a good time that night! It's been a good year since I got laid!"

"I really don't care about you getting laid!"

"... thanks...?" Hana breathed out.

"Okay no—congratu-fucking-lations! I just would rather my secretary report to work the day she's supposed to."

"I used sick leave, chill." Mina could hear her closing a door through the phone.

"Why? Because you getting laid is sick?" Mina asked, pouting around in her chair.

"Why are you so on my dick?" Hana sipped some water to get rid of the massive hangover she had from Hoseok's party.

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