8: A Dark Room

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"Izumi, wait up!"

Bubbles' voice stopped me just before I left the classroom. The bell rang for lunch only seconds ago, and I was going to my usual spot. Since most students ate in the cafeteria, it was always quiet outside beneath my favourite tree.

She placed her hands on her knees as she attempted to catch her breath, "Would you like to eat lunch with Deku, Iida and I in the cafeteria?"

I glanced at her, eyebrow raised. She probably had some ulterior motive. Maybe it had something to do with our project? Yeah. That was definitely it. Lunch was the only time I could spend my myself these days, with Midnight always trying to talk to me at home.

"I'd rather not," I walked out the door, and she left me alone. It was easy to get lost in the crowds as I weaved through the masses of students in the halls. No one recognized me when I walked by, and no one tried to talk to me. I preferred isolation. It was all I knew.

When I arrived at my tree, it towered above the rest of the foliage on school property as usual. I threw my stuff down in the shade and plopped down on the grass, using the trunk as a backrest. A gentle breeze provided me with a breath of fresh air.

It had been a few days since Stuble had announced the upcoming sports festival. We had just over a week before it would begin. While my classmates were training, both inside of school and out, I spent most of my time reading. I didn't care about the sports festival. Why would I? I didn't want to be noticed as a pro-hero.

If anything, it would be beneficial for me to perform poorly. I didn't need more pro-heroes knowing how my quirk functioned. It would make things more difficult later on. As a villain, it would be challenging to face opponents that knew my quirk. The UA faculty members would be a force to be reckoned with if they tried to take me down. They were powerful and knew my weaknesses.

I didn't know how to describe Stuble. I had spent so many years thinking that all heroes were fake. The idea of a perfect hero was also a dream that couldn't become a reality. But then I met him. All the other students looked up to heroes like All Might, Thirteen, Best Jeanist and other mainstream heroes. But they weren't true heroes. They were all fakes.

Midnight was kind to me while I lived with her, but I still couldn't acknowledge her as a true hero. She was a great cook, not that I'd tell her. She even packed my lunch. After the fainting incident, Midnight worked diligently to ensure I ate properly. She invited me to do things with her sometimes, although I always refused, and didn't push when I wasn't up to it. I didn't mind living with her as much as I thought I did.

"Got your stuff packed up?"

I had almost forgotten about it until Midnight reminded me last night. After all, none of the pro-heroes wanted to take care of me. They were busy. They had to balance teaching, heroing, and raising a problem child. Each of them took me into their house for three to seven days. Then they threw me to the next faculty member in line.

"Yeah. Midnight is dropping everything at your house tonight," I mumbled under my breath.

Snipe gave a slow nod, "Just don't cause any trouble. I'm not cleaning up your messes."

"Fuck you too," I packed my lunch box into my backpack. He began to scold me for my language. Snipe's words fell on deaf ears. I really didn't give a shit. I'd swear however much I wanted at whoever I wanted. Anyone who had a problem with that could back the fuck off.

I wasn't used to being inside the school at lunch. No matter where I went, the faculty members could track me down. The GPS system in my cuffs could be tracked by any of their phones. I was never alone. Even when I couldn't see anyone, I was positive someone was watching me from afar.

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