40: I-Island

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"I'm so excited!" Uraraka squealed from the aisle seat beside me.

"Look at the window," Momo tapped my seat from behind. "You can see the island."

I glanced towards the airplane window and peered outside. I-Island was below us, as the plane started to lower for the landing. Uraraka was nearly bouncing out of her seat in excitement. She'd been talking about seeing the island since we got on the damn plane.

The airport was huge and filled with people. I couldn't help but tense as soon as we stepped off the plane. Uraraka gently held a hand out to me. I hesitated, but slowly moved my hand towards hers. Her skin was warm, but I couldn't force myself to relax. Something in me still screamed 'danger' whenever someone made physical contact.

It took about 30 minutes before we were able to get through security, grab our luggage and escape the airport. This island was fucking strict. The rest of the girls would be coming as well, but their plane didn't arrive for another few hours. Jirou, who had been silently listening to music for the entire trip, was finally responsive and paying attention to the world around her.

Our hotel room was a bit ridiculous — Momo had gotten a full suite for the four of us. There were two bedrooms so Uraraka and I decided to share one while Momo and Jirou would share the other. We quickly changed into our hero costumes, since that was a thing here, and got ready to leave the room.

Glancing at myself in the mirror, the bodysuit was starting to look and feel a bit tighter than I remembered. I was growing, I guess. The belt was still fine, and so were my boots and mask. My height and body size wasn't the only thing that grew though. My hair was significantly longer than when I'd first starting going to UA.

The messy, red locks had barely reached my lower back when I first became a student. My bangs were the only bit I'd been maintaining. They were brushed over to the right and almost always covered my left eye. I would brush them aside when I was fighting, but I felt more comfortable when all of my face wasn't showing. I don't really know why.

I'd fixed them myself when they were getting too long, but I hadn't paid attention to the rest of my hair. Now it reached just past my butt, which was getting to be a bit much to handle. My hair had always grown strangely fast, even when I was a child. I didn't have to worry too much then though since it was often ripped or cut off during training.

I'd have to start putting it up, or I'd have to cut it. This long, it could easily get in my way during a fight. I kinda liked my hair though. I thought it was... pretty. Maybe it almost made me look kinda cute? Did anyone else think that? I wonder if Uraraka thinks I'm cute? Or Kirishima? Why do I want my friends to think I'm cute.

Shut the fuck up, no. I'm not cute. I'm strong and I'm independent and I'm powerful. I'm scary. I'm terrifying! I am most definitely not cute so no one should or will think I am. But... maybe it wouldn't be so bad if they thought I was. Shit!

"I'm not fucking cute!"

"Uh... Izumi? Are, um, are you okay?"


I stormed past Uraraka to grab my bag, trying to keep her from seeing my face. I'd seen it flame up right before I'd moved away from the mirror. There is no way I was going to let her see me blush. There is no way that I was going to let her find out that I ever thought this. I'm not cute. I'm a motherfucking death machine — not cute!


"I'm fine! Fuck, just stop asking!"


"Shit, fuck. Look, I'm not good at this whole fucking friends thing. Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

Uraraka suddenly smiled, "I think you're amazing at the whole 'friends' thing."

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