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CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT ; SAD BOI CENTRALalso known as;( the case of the missing lifeguard )

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also known as;
( the case of the missing lifeguard )


"WHAT IF IT'S THE LAB AGAIN?" STELLA SUGGESTED, ACCEPTING THE PLATE OF TOAST STEVE HAD MADE HER. Her boyfriend shook his head as he stole a piece, chomping down on the Nutella soaked bread. Stella leaned into his side as he joined her on the couch, staring into space in deep thought. Her hands hadn't stopped shaking since they had left the mall the previous night, and she knew she wouldn't be sleeping. The mere thought of having to go through another 'adventure' was the last thing she needed.

"Stella, you need to calm down, okay?" Steve assured her, reaching for the television remote and turning the box on. They were alone in the house, as Stella's parents had taken Charlie on their little week-long getaway. Most couples were prone to having ~fun~ at times like this, and the two teens were never necessary opposed to it, but this particular evening was dedicated to Stella's incurable panic. "It's not the lab. It's probably just some sort of prank."

"I don't think so," she shook her head, tightening her lips. "God, I can't wait till I'm out of here."

Steve went silent. He twisted the remote in his hands tightly a few times, before placing it down on the sofa arm beside him. Averting his eyes from the television, he looked outside, watching the rain falling on the grass in the backyard. "You don't need to say it like that, you know."

"What?" Stella furrowed her eyebrows, shifting a little so that she could look up at him.

Steve sighed, rubbing the end of his nose. "You act like college is gonna cut your ties with everything here, everyone."

"That's not what I meant," Stella shook her head, straightening up a little and moving away so that she could look at him directly. Steve avoided her gaze.

"Well, it feels like it sometimes," Steve responded, his tone colder than he wanted to let on. "You don't think I'd leave if I could? Y-You don't think I wanna be there with you the day you step into your first class of the semester? Do you know how hard it is knowing that you're gonna be starting a new life and I might not be a part of it?"

Stella's jaw slacked a little at his sudden release of emotion. She didn't exactly know how to respond, she didn't realise her boyfriend felt like this. "Steve-"

"It's fine," he muttered, waving her off.

"No, it's not fine," she shook her head, reaching for his knee. Still, he refused to turn his head. "Steve, look at me."

"Why? You're just gonna calm me down and make me forget that in a month I'm only gonna see you when you can be bothered," he snapped, causing Stella to clench her jaw in irritation.

GLORY DAYS 。STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now