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CHAPTER FOUR ; PATHETIC DECEPTIONalso known as;( holly, jolly ; part one )

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also known as;
( holly, jolly ; part one )


BY THE TIME STELLA COLLINS ARRIVED HOME, THE SUN WAS BEGINNING TO RISE. There was a thick coat of fear that hung over Hawkins, one that drained the hope and faith from the community. The search for Will had failed, and they had covered almost the entire town. Some adults had chosen to continue looking, but she had been sent home.

A sigh left her chapped lips when she stepped through threshold of her home, knowing full well she wouldn't get any sleep before school began. She wanted nothing more than to crawl into her bed and wake up to her normal life, but for some reason everything had been flipped on its head in a matter of two days.

"Stella, is that you?" The soft voice of her mother inquired as the teenager walked into the kitchen, seeing the older woman at the counter with a cup of coffee in her hands. Patty Collins had always been an early riser, especially when her job at the local health centre required that she be constantly on call no matter what time of day. "I thought you came home last night."

"I volunteered to stay out a little longer, just in case we found anything," Stella sighed, dropping her bag on the ground and trudging over to the top cupboard, grabbing a glass and moving to the sink to pour herself some water. Her mother was staring at her, expecting an answer. The teen shook her head sadly. "Nothing."

"I'm sorry, honey," Patty frowned, watching as her exhausted daughter shuffled around the small space with a frown on her face. "You look tired, do you think you can go into school today?"

"Yeah, I'll probably coax the nurse into letting me take a nap during first period, but I think I'll be fine," Stella muttered, staring at the bottom of her glass, too tired to process the words flooding out her mouth. She paused, her eyes flickering up to the sympathetic face that belonged to her mother. Patty had always been a beautiful woman, she and Stella shared the same facial structure and dark hair, though the younger girl had her father's eyes and ears. "Mom?"

"Yeah?" Her mother nodded, reaching over and placing her hand on top of Stella's.

In that moment, Stella wanted to tell her everything. She wanted to run her down on the whole situation regarding Eleven, how the boys wanted to go out after dark to look for Will, how all she wanted was for everything to go back to the way it was. She had such an honest relationship with her parents, so it felt like her whole world was suffocating her and she couldn't do anything about it. She had made a promise to Mike that she wouldn't say anything, and she had to honour that.

"It's just," Stella sighed, chewing the inside of her cheek and deciding how to word the next sentence she would say. "Have you ever been in a situation where you could do one thing and everything goes wrong, or you could do another, completely different thing but everything still goes wrong?"

GLORY DAYS 。STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now