Chapter 6

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~Monica Pov

Me-oh my god Sydney!

Syd-Monica it's none of your buissnes to be spying on us!!!

Me-what!? Your french kissing in the middle of the damn park!

Syd-In my defense this is a free country so apperantly-GCO


Diggy-yes ma'am

Syd-bye baby (tried to kiss Jackson)

Me-(pulled her away) hell naw Missy!

Syd-bye boo

Jackson-bye sexy!

Me-boy if you don't shut up imma kick your ass all the way to Florida! So shut up and go find you some other hoe!

Syd-i'm not a hoe!

Me-i never said you were

Diggy-monica chill get in (opened door)

Me-thank ya! Hurry Sydney!

Syd-okay god!

~At Home


Syd-here we go

Me-shut up!

(diggy wasnt there btw)


Me-guess what?


Me-Well this chick was up at the freaking park french kissing her boyfriend!

Dad-you were what?!

Syd-Dad i-GCO

Dad-CHANEL! (sha-nel for yall readers that couldn't pronounce it, it's okay that happens to everybody) (Oh btw Chanel is Monica's Step-mom)

Chanel-what James?!

Dad-your daughter has no f*cking dignity (i dunno how you spell it)

Chanel-why do you say that?

Dad-she was french kissing Jackson!

Chanel-what?! Sydney Loraine Thomas! what were you thinking!?

Syd-he's my boyfriend why does it matter?!

Chanel-b/c if camera's catch you we're going to be all over the news!


Me-WHAT DO YOU MEAN SO?! I CAN'T END UP ON THE NEWS! *mumbles* at least not again

Syd-you know what! whatever! i'm going to my room! (left)

Chanel-*sighed* *whispered* oh my god

Me-imma go to my room too (left)

" i walked to my room and i passed by Syd's room and she was crying for some reason, right now i didn't really care i went to check my phone and i had a text that said 'I still love you baby ~Tyler' i hate that son of a bisssssh. he get's on my damn nerves but i decided to go to sleep i was really tired and i went to sleep thinking about diggy"

~Next Day

"i woke up did my hygiene and put on white booty shorts, a hot pink crop tee without an undershirt so people can see my belly-button ring, white flats, white nerd glasses with a little pink bow in the corner, pink star earrings and i walked out"

Syd-hey monica

Me-wassup, hey pops!

Dad-don't i give you money to get full clothes?

Me-daddy please!

Daddy-okay leave before you're late

Me-kay daddy

(skip car ride)

"i got there and i walked into Ms.Browns class and slipped into my seat and noticed there was this girl that was sitting beside me, which i have never noticed before"

Ms.Brown-meet our new student Zalika Stewart

Zalika-uhhhhh hi

Ms.Brown-okay get ready for notes

"she just talked like that and started going on to doing Inequalites and what not i decided to look over and i noticed this girl had style-she had on black skinny jeans, a black shirt with the words "Don't hate me hate my swag" in red words, black and red jordans, a chicago bulls snap back and her hair was down and had redish highlights"

(the bell rang for lunch)

" i walked in and saw Zalika and i decided to go talk to her"


Zalika-(eyes got wide) your talking to me?

Me-yea, who else?

Zalika-oh sit down, if you want

Me-sure! (sat down)

(Mindless Behavior walked up)

rary Ray-hey Sexy

Me-uh hey

Princeton-how ya been Monica

Roc Royal-hey cuz

(Monica and Roc are cousins)

Me-hey prince wassup Roc

Prod-(checking out Zalika) hey *talking to Z*

Zalika-*blushed* uh hey

Me-hey to you to Prodigy!

Prod-sorry hey *slid over to talk to Zalika*

~Zalika Pov

" Monica seems like a really super nice girl! i hope we can be friends, but this boy is super fine! and he was talking to me! Me! i'm new and i already have this hot guy checking me out! Wait....don't get excited Zee remember what happened with Kyle......."

Me-uh hey

Prod-i'm Craig but call me Prod or prodigy

Me-okay so i'm Zalika Stewart, im new

Prod-yea i noticed in math class

Me-(laughed) yea i didn't see you

Prod-(grinned) well i did

Me-*blushed* okay

Prod-wann go to my place later?

Me-uhh sure

Prod-kay here's my number

Me-585-696-7894 oay thx! (and thats not a real number! it's not going to be my fault if you call up a stranger!)

Prod-no problem

~Monica Pov

Me-okay bye you guys

Ray-bye cutie! *winked*


Prince-bye Monica


"i saw them walk away, ray ray is such a flirt! i saw as Zalika stared at prod until they left"

Me-get it girl!

Zalika-*laughed* is it that obvious?

Me-yea it sorta is....

Zalika-well i ahve to go!

Me-yea me too

" i walked home and i stepped into my sister's room b/c i heard giggling and you won't belive what i saw!"


<3 ChicaOut!

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