Chp. 2

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~~Tori's P.O.V.~~

Two unhuman like shireks were last the last noises I heard come out from my super cool friends on either side of me when the boys walked in. Now let me just say that if I thought that those boys where gorgeous before, they are unhumanly good looking. Like if they where only created for they sole prupose of sexually frustrating every girl in the entire world (and I am sad to say that it's working and I've only been in a room with them for 5 mintues).

Well back to the present and the issues on hand.

"Oh my god! Are they ok?" the boy in the plaid asked. "Yea they'll be fine. This happens all the time. They're awkardness someimes goes on overload and the only way that thier bodies know how to handle it is for them to pass out" I said jokingly. Only it took a while for the boys to catch on (I guess that there is no sarcasm over in the UK). They all sorts stared at me with confused looks until the dark haired one who kinda looks mexican pointed out that I was joking.

"Ohhh" they all said in unison. Well I guess they arent the shaprest tool in the shed, i thought to myself.

"Hey that hurts! We are--for your information--some of the smartest people that you will ever meet!" the one who is supposed to be Louis siad. I guess i didnt say that to myslef I thought. "Well if thats true then I need to hang out with different people!" I siad jokingly. But this time they caught on..well at least most of them did, Louis was jsut standing there looking at little hurt, until I flashed him a smile. And thats when I started to laugh--random I know but I'm a little werid not as werid as my friends but still weird none the less. "Whats so funny?" Louis asked. "Your face!!" I answered back. And thats when the other boys started to laugh--even Paul chuckled a little bit!! "Well then I'm done with all of you peasants then!" Louis siad while walking away.

"Hahaha Paul hahaha I haha like haha her!" Niall said "cute and funny, what a great combo" he added. "So you think Im cute now...tisk tisk what a cheeky fellow and we just met too!" I said with a fake look of shame. "GET SOME NIALL!" Harry yelled. Niall blushed and I was going to say something but I was rudely interrupted by the moaning and groaning of my friends who somehow manged to get on the floor--how I dont know and to be honest I dont care.

"Welcome Back my little adorable and socailly awkward friends!" I siad. "I hate you bitch." Alicia said half joking and half serious. "OOO!! Well that is no way to treat a friend who bought you to the signing and who is taking you to the concert tonight now is it?" I asked. "Noooo! I guess not" Alicia answered back. "Will you two dumb-asses stop talking and help me up." Blair said. "OOOO! Well we are hurt and just for that, no we wont help you up." I said back

"Here love let me help you up" Harry said to her, while helping her up. "Ohh what a gentleman you are Mr. Styles" Alicia said. "Except for the fact that you just let me sit down on my ass like some kinda bump on a log. Not cool bruh, not cool" she added. "Harry has no idea how to treat a lady. Here let me help you up gorgeous." Zayn said with a wink. "Why thank you!" She said all the while trying to hide that fact that she was just about as red as an apple.

"So I guess that I dont matter" I said sitting on the floor seeing as I went down to help my two un-grateful friends. "Nope" they said together while popping the "p". "Of course you matter." Niall said to me while helping me up. "Pretty girls always do" he wishpered in my ear. if I could blush I would've! And now cue the most embarassing person ever..if you guessed Harry Styles then you would be correct! "Niall stop flirting and ask her out already!" He said. And if looks could kill i bet Niall would be in jail for the murder of Harry Styles.

~ Blair POV~

Omg! did Harry Styles just not only touch me but help me up!? Okay act natural hes just another guy.....but he wasnt really he was HARRY FREAKING STYLES. "ahhhhhh" i internally screamed. Thank god Harry was too busy making Niall feel uncomfortable so he didnt get the chance to notice me eye fucking him repeatedly to get my fangirling out of my system before i actually had to speak to them.

Is This What Love Feels Like?? (a one direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now