Chp. 5

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~Tori's P.O.V.~

SLAP! Did this bitch just slap me in the face? I normally don't deal with the people that work for my father but today I just feel a surge of power after being with Niall. But after this girl started to yell at me I decided to deal with her. Well all of that power that I had felt was now gone thanks to that mighty powerful slap.

"Tori! Are you ok?" a familiar Irish accent said behind me. "Niall! What are you doing here?" I asked. "OMFG! Are you Niall Horan from One Direction? The hot Irish one?" the girl who slapped me asked. "Tat would be me." Niall said back kind of coldly. "Come on lets go." I said "You seem kind of upset. Lets go before you do something stupid," I added but he didn't move. "Come on my leprechaun friend we have to get you back to your magical rainbow." I said. "Ok but only because you brought up me magical leprechaun self." He said while walking away from the bitch that slapped me who is now sending me daggers. "Ah ha! I knew you where always a leprechaun! But wait if I'm not mistaken, and I'm not cause I am always right, don't you hate being called a leprechaun?" I asked. "I do but because its you I forgave you" He said while rubbing my head. "My hair!" I said. "You my friend should jut stop flirting and ask me out already." I said half joking half serious. "Well ok then. Tori will you go out with me?" Niall asked. "And by go out I mean will you be me girlfriend?" he added. "Uhh... Of course I'll go out with and by that I mean be your girlfriend." I said. "You don't sound so excited its ok if you were just joking I would understand." He said. "What? Just joking I was being dead serious." I said, "I just sounded like that because I was afraid that YOU were just joking." I added. "Me joking? Have you gone completely mental?" He asked. "I would be the luckiest Irish man if you were to ever be my girlfriend." He said while taking a step towards me. "Well then I guess that you'll just be a pretty lucky Irish man, then." I said while taking a setp towards him. Then I crushed my lips onto his.

May I just say that if anyone out there ever thought that Niall Horan was a bad kisser then they would have thought wrong.

I sort of took him by surprise, but then we wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer while my hands went straight for his hair. We pushed our bodies as close as they could be while still being fully clothed. His tongue was asking for entry to my mouth and I let it in, while he pushed me against the wall. Which made a loud noise and seeing as we were at the room now, everybody came rushing out.

"Are you guys ok?" Liam asked. "Woah! PDA! Stop with the PDA please for the sake of my young virgin eyes!" Blair yelled at the same time.

Which of course got me to laugh and break away from our kiss. It wasn't until then that I realized that I actually needed air to breath and that couldn't just live off of Niall's kisses forever. Which made me sad.

"I want to kill everybody right now" Niall whispered in my ear. "I'll help you." I said back. And he started to laugh.

As we walked back into the room that everyone went back into while Blair was going on and on about how her young virgin eyes have been destroyed. Niall snaked his arm around my waist.

"Sooo... are you two together now or what?" Blair asked. "Yes we are, my very over dramatic friends." I said back. And then I was tackled by arms and pulled into the hallway where I was forced to tell my two very aggressive best friends about how this happened. By the time I finished talking and we had walked back into the room the boys where arguing over something.

"No Inside-out-burger" Louis said. "No pizza" Niall said. I should've known it was abut food.

Is This What Love Feels Like?? (a one direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now