The next 3 Months

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School had been started for awhile now I had made friends so easily atleast I had that to look forward everyday. It's now October and it just happens to be my favorite time of the year. Autumn with wonderful colored leaves, assortment of coffees the smell of fire in the distance. Couldn't get any better than that campfires at night star shining brightly the crisp cold air. I was living the life in the Fall Season. The church Fall Retreat weekend was coming up and I couldn't wait. We go to my favorite place in the world. Sliver Maple Camp out in the woods of Kingman Kansas. This years theme was "Something". When the weekend came as we headed to camp the feeling of over-excitement still my heart I can't wait for all the things that I can do. Write my short storys, draw, singing and watching stars late at night. But mostly the night time capture the flag game that we always do. Dressed all in black from head to toe hiding my blonde ponytail under my hoodie. Green eyes sharp and ready for the hunt. Because I'm only 5'3 it was easy for my to get in and out of places without being seen. My nickname was jail bail. I was on purposely always the one to be captured first so I can scope out the campground find their flag. We have the runners come by and break me out of jail and report back to my team and we all figure this out and get a game plan.

Like many night at my favorite camp laying wake outside under the stars, I would spend almost every second I could underneath those stars just watching until they told me I had to go back to the cabin and go to bed. I had a fascination with the stars for all the planets and worlds above and how I fit into this equation in this big world. I couldn't help by feel there was always something missing like there is a void in my life that needed filled. I wished on many stars that God would give me the answer. I guess I wished to hard or to much but that summer I would have my answer.

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