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Riya's pov

Things have changed between us from last 2-3 days..... From that drama in hospital. The major change is that everyone like everyone in the world knows about it. Many staff tease me while some are still in shock.

And surely out of those shocked people Dr. Lee and Dr. Aashika must be the most shocked ones. From last 2 days I am trying to talk with Dr. Lee and he is ignoring me. But today I decided that no matter what I'll talk with him and yes also with Dr aashika.

Nurse told me that Dr Lee is in ortho department and I went there. Here he is...

" Hello Dr Lee. Good Morning. I...uhhhh want to have a small talk with you."

"Actually Dr. Riya I am busy now we will talk later."

" Dr. Lee I know you are ignoring me. Please I will not take your time more than 5 mins. But please let's talk. Please for once Dr Lee."

"Ok. Dr Riya. Please come this side."

We went to the corner.

"Look Dr Lee first of all I am really sorry."

"Seriously Riya. Ohh I am sorry Dr. Riya. I thought we were friends."

" No please Dr Lee continue with Riya only. And yes we are friends. My marriage happened in such a situation that I can't even describe. I Didn't even tell aditi about it. It was completely arrange marriage. There was no love. Not even a friendship. I am really sorry Dr Lee. I wanted to tell you from so long. I am really sorry Dr Lee."

" No please Riya don't be sorry. If you want me to forgive you must do one thing."

"Yeah please tell me Dr Lee. I'll do anything."

"As we are friends now. Please for god's sake stop calling me Dr Lee. Please please do call me as a Lee. Please Riya."

" Hehe. Yes okk. Lee. We are friends now."

" Good Riya. And btw I so want to tell you one thing. You both Look so perfect with each other."

" Hehe. Thank you so much Lee."

" Ohh my god!!! Someone is blushing. I personally Never seen you blushing Riya."

"Excuse me!!!! May I interfere your private talks. Actually I want 2 mins Riya." And here comes my hero. Stop blushing Riyu.

" No no Dr Oberoi. I am leaving. Byee Riya."

" Yep. Byee Lee."

I said byee to the Lee and turn my entire focus on Siddharth. What the hell is happening to me. I just want to look at him.

"Seriously 'Lee' and all."

"Ohh that, Actually I said sorry to him. And he asked me to stop calling him Dr Lee. And he is my friend also so it's ok if I call him that right."

" Ya sure. Good for you."

I can clearly see jealousy on his face and I'm loving it.

" Btw what you want to talk about??"

" Nothing go and talk with your Lee. I have some important work. I need to talk with Aashika."

" Aashika ???? When she become Aashika from Dr. Aashika"

"Riya are you forgetting something. Just now you said, it's ok to call your friends with their name. And obviously aashika is my very good friend. Bye Riya."

And he just left with me standing in burning flame. I so hate him.

Now I need to meet Dr Aashika. Uhh!! God what should I talk with her 'Sorry Dr Aashika to stop you from flirting with my own husband' hehe 😂 that would be really funny.

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