Chapter 1

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"Flower. Wake up sweetie," My dad whispered in my ear. I groan and turn over in bed to make my back face him. "Ok I tried," I heard him mumble. I almost fall back asleep when I hear an air horn go off in my ear. "Ahhhhhhhh! Umph," I scream as I fall out of bed. "What was that for?!" I yell at my dad as I flip my blanket off of my head giving him a death glare. "You said you wanted to go to work with me right?" He smirked. I smile and squeal and quickly jump up and run into my closet to grab my clothes for the day. Once I grab my clothes, I quickly run into the bathroom with dad shaking his head at me chuckling with the 'dad' stance. I throw on a black tank top which gets tucked into my black, gray, and white high waisted camo cargo pants that has a black belt in it. I then throw on my black combat boots and quickly brush through my collarbone pin straight black hair. I smile at my reflection and quickly brush my teeth. I walk out and grab my phone. "I'm ready dad," I tell him with a smile on my face. "Let's go for this lovely adventure," He smiles at me.
Once dad and I got there, a black SUV was blocking his taxi in. He shakes his head. "Hey you guys got move this thing I gotta go," he tells the people im the SUV. I just walk over to the passenger side of the taxi wanting to not get in this. "Jack. You still don't return phone calls anymore?" A tall black guy, who is wearing a suit and has a teddy bear haircut, walks out of the SUV towards my dad. "Mr. Wolf thinks your being rude," a white guy, who has a graying beard and bald, says to my dad. Who are these guys and how do they know my dad? But who's Mr. Wolf? No. Not Mr. Wolf. Wolf can go die in a ditch for what he done to me. I hope they're talking about the big bad wolf.
"Tell Mr. Wolf when I said that it was the last time I meant it," Dad sasses back at them. "Mr. Wolf decides when it's the last time. Not you Jack," the tall black guy said. "He likes you Jacky. He hates seeing you waste your driving talent giving cab rides, tours up and down the streets," the white guy continues, "What type of life is this?" "The kind of life I want to live." Dad Kicks the tall black guy and Donkey Kicks the white guy quickly grabbing them both and slamming them on the hood of the taxi. "Do you got a death wish Jack?" The black guy questions. "That's why I'm a taxi driver. Willow get in the car," Dad demands. I quickly obey and get in the passenger seat quickly making sure I put my seatbelt on. "Your dead Jack," the black guy threatens while holding his nose. Dad is about to get in when a police siren is heard.
"Hey! What are you doing?" The officer asks. "Are you insane? You should know this is a taxi zone and you need to leave now before I give you a ticket," the cop snaps. "We're not done with you Jack," the white guy threatens. The two guys walk back to their SUV not happy with the outcome. Dad gets in he taxi and drives away. "Are you ok flower?" Dad asks while looking at the side view mirrors. "Yeah, don't worry dad," I smile at him. He smiles at me and looks in the rear view mirror quickly stopping the car almost making me hit the dashboard. "What the heck Dad?!" I snap. The car behind us honks it's horn. He turns around and looks at the back seats. "Where did you come from?" Dad questions. I turn to see what he's looking at and see two kids both with blonde hair and blue eyes. They both look to be about 17 years old. I raise my eyebrow cause I didn't hear the door open or close for that matter. "Outside," the boy says. "I figured that part out. How did you get in the car?" Dad continues. "Through that portal," the girl now answers like it's obvious. They both point to the same door. The car behind us honks it's horn again. "I'm Seth and this is my sister Sara and we require your transportation services immediately," Seth says like they are in a hurry. "Really? Well I require-" Dad gets cut of by Sara, "a currency transaction," Sara finishes. "Will this amount suavice?" Seth asks holding out a wad of cash. Dad looks at it questionably. "Did you two rob a bank?" He questions. "Is this acceptable, Jack Bruno?" Sara asks with a worry look on her face. I look at dad hoping it is for their sake. "How did you know my name?" Dad quickly asks. Sara points to the dashboard that has a taxi driver permit with a photo of my dad on it as well as his name. "For your transportation services, we must move forward immediately to our destination with out delay," Seth urges my dad. The car behind us is still beeping. "Alright alright I'm going," Dad says while rolling his eyes. "Where to?" Dad asks. "I need an address," Dad continues. I'm now looking forward with my head in my hand as my elbow rests on the door. "In that direction," Sara answers after looking at a weird looking device. She points to the direction on my right. Dad raises his eyebrow and looks at Sara quickly before turning around and pointing where she did a moment ago. "I'm going to need something more specific then that direction," He clarifies. "We must locate latitude 401.54 intersecting longitude-"Seth gets cut of by my dad,"We're just going to stick with that direction," Dad ends.

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