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He stares at her, smiling at how she laughs without caring yet still looking so gorgeous, how she tries to compose herself to stop laughing because Ms. Park might scold her, how she tells him to stop making her laugh. And honestly, Jeon Jungkook loved making Kim Yerim laugh. As he told himself, it is his everyday mission.

Yerim playfully glared at him and tried to look angry but she rather looks cute in Jungkook's eyes. It's his favorite part of her actually: her eyes. It was as if therein lies a whole universe ready for Jungkook to explore.

The way they twinkle whenever food arrives at the restaurant, the way they sparkle whenever she watches her favorite band on TV, the way they shine whenever they watches movie at Yerim's house.

He would never let the shine in her be gone. Never. And so he does his very best everyday. Even though she never knew how he felt.

"Ya Jeon Jungkook! I'm so gonna hit you with a watermelon next time you make me laugh so hard during Ms. Park's class!" Yerim told him while they were having their lunch at the canteen, with envious eyes watching.

Actually, the males envy Jungkook for being the only male that is close with Yerim and the females envy Yerim for the being close with Jungkook. But, both of them don't give a damn anyway.

Oftentimes, Jungkook wanted to borrow the famous line on one of him and Yerim's favorite movie, Flipped.

"How could she sit there and laugh and look so beautiful?"

It was something he often ask himself but never got the answer. A question he's going to ask himself until at least a hundred years more.

"What's with you wanting to hit me with literally every fruit you crave?" Jungkook asked her with little laughs.

"I don't know either but anyway, like I said don't make me laugh so damn hard!" She said before swallowing a spoonful of rice.

"It's because you're cute." It was a slip of the toungue.

Oh you dumb fuck Jungkook

Although they have been really really good friends for five years now, it was never their thing to express their love for each other, not even sudden compliments like these.

Yerim, who's chewing a spoonful of rice in her mouth, nearly choked. Jungkook panicked and he gave her a glass of water and tried to rub her back. All these things happening but his eyes did not miss the sudden rush of red hue on Yerim's cheeks.

Yerim chugged down the glass of water in a hurry then finally calmed down. She was catching her breath when Jungkook noticed the panicked yet excited look in her face.

"The f? Did Lalisa just dyed her fucking hair to black? Shit! I think I just died." Yerim, with exhilaration evident in her voice, said this while she was scanning Lalisa from the next table.

And everyday as well, Jungkook's heart breaks without her knowing.

You see, it was not also clear to Jungkook what is Yerim's sexual orientation, not that it matters anyway. But still, it downgrades him whenever she expresses her interest towards a girl, it was as if he was never really gonna have the chance.

Jungkook stared at Yerim, who's now staring at Lalisa. Oh how badly he wanted her to look at him like that.

"Do you freaking see it?! She's damn gorgeous man." Yerim says with a dreamy eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah. She looks hot as heck, I know." Yeah, everyday, Jungkook pretends he's also interested to those 'hot chicks' Yerim points at. Heck, they do not even come close to his Yerim. Not even an inch.

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