Chapter 1

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Elayna woke up to the same four walls she always did. She wondered if this would be a new day or just the same heartbreaking day as always. She laid there on her mat thinking, how she wished something would happen, she wanted to leave but had no where to go. She had no friends or family other than Mary, who was her mother even though she wasn't allowed to call her that. Mary always made sure to tell her what a mistake she was, how everyone hated her and no one would ever want her. Elayna tried to tell herself it wasn't true. That someone out there would want and love her, she just had to be patient. Looking at the clock seeing it was 6:30 she knew that she better get up, Mary would be up and wanting her breakfast at 7 sharp. She learned the schedule years ago and knew not to veer from it, Mary had no problem beating on her daughter. She hated Elayna and blamed every problem ever on her.  After getting up and getting dressed she made her way up from the basement to the kitchen to start breakfast, as it was her norm, she made 2 pieces of toast lightly browned and buttered, 1 egg scrambled and a glass of orange juice and cup of coffee. 

At exactly 7:00 Mary came to the table to eat and read her paper, "Good Morning Ms. Mary" "I have clients coming tonight for dinner, make sure the house is spotless and dinner better be perfect or you will get no food for two days." "Yes, Ms. Mary." Mary worked as a realtor in San Jose, CA, she would often throw dinners for potential clients and Elayna was to always make herself available but make sure not to interfere. After Mary left for work, Elayna started cleaning the house which never took long because she cleaned it everyday and Mary was never really there until evening. She started planning dinner for tonight knowing she would have to order the food to be delivered since she wasn't allowed to leave the house. After deciding what to make and ordering the food she went down to her area of the basement and wrote in her journal. She had made friends with the delivery guy who brought the food and she would ask him to pick her up things once in a while. He was an elderly man who was widowed and ran deliveries he said because he got to meet nice people and it also kept him busy. He tried to convince her a few times to leave but she always said no. Not that she didn't want to she just had nowhere to go. 

 A little later she heard the bell and ran to answer the door. "Hi Elayna" "Hi George, how are you today?" "I'm good got your food for ya" she helped him carry it in and put it on the counters. "So, how is life today sweetheart?" She tried to be cheerful but with George she was always able to just be herself. "Oh George, I wish I could find that someone you know, like you with Liz. I just refuse to believe that everyone hates me or that I'm worthless, I have to have hope." George hugged the girl closely "Oh Honey, you are no where near worthless and you will find your someone just be patient when the time is right it will happen." 

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