Chapter One

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Here's the first chapter guys!


Chapter One:

My eyes blink slowly as I look at the gas gauge. The needle is almost touching the empty line.

I look at the GPS on my cracked phone screen, swallowing nervously when I see that I still have fifty miles until I reach the next exit.

I shake my head to wake myself up and turn on the radio, turning it up so it will distract me and not the baby.

I am practically the queen of never wanting to get gas, I know that I don't have fifty miles left. It's twenty-eight degrees outside. If my car breaks down, it's going to get very cold very fast.

Sighing, I take the next exit and stop at the gas station. I push the gear down and it grinds in protest.

"Awe, come on," I mutter. "Just this once?"

I pull the gear back and shove it down. I hear a loud clunk, and I wiggle the stick knob until it goes back and forth easily, which means it's in neutral.

I pull the emergency break and take the key out of the ignition, turning around in my seat to check on the baby.

He's sleeping soundly, his winter coat situated just right. His little hat rode up though, exposing his ears slightly.

I get out of the driver's seat and open the back door, climbing across the seat to gently pull the hat down. He begins to suckle, his mouth making small noises.

I smile slightly and go back to the front seat.

I reach across the passenger seat to the glove box, opening it up and pulling out a flashlight. I click the button and the light flickers.

Sighing, I hit the flashlight a few times until the light comes on.

I shine it on the floor of the car, picking up loose change. I check the center console and open up my wallet, beating it against the palm of my hand. A random penny falls out and I add it to the handful of quarters and dimes I have.

I put the flashlight in my mouth and count the money.

Two dollars and eighty-six cents.

I glance over my shoulder at the sign.

Regular $2.52

I rub my forehead.

I mean, it's going to have to work. It's better than nothing.

I shove the keys in my thin sweater pocket and get out of the car, glancing up at the number of my pump. I'm at two.

No matter how badly I want to leave him in the car so he won't wake up, I can't. I don't trust anybody with him except for me.

I go around the car to the back door and open it, cringing when it creaks loudly. He stirs slightly and then begins to open his eyes.

I look at the time on my cheap Walmart watch.

9:52 PM.

He's probably ready to eat.

"Soon baby, soon," I murmur.

I lift the handle to his car seat and feel something icy and wet touch my neck. I glance up and see white flurries falling from the sky. Great. It's snowing.

I grab the blanket beside him and drape it over the sunshade to cover him the best I can, and then I unclip the car seat. It releases easily, and I thank myself for spending all my savings on this thing. He needs the best stuff he can get. He's just a defenseless little baby.

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