and she said something that caught him off guard and pulled him out of his pity party,
"man the fuck up."
he stared at her, eyes wide,
g a p i n g.
he whispered,
stopping when
her hand slammed on the bed.
"it's not your fault.
get over your blindness.
so you're blind,
big deal.
i fell in love with you despite your blindness.
and nothing will change that.
it's not your fault that i was unhappy.
it's not your fault
because you were the light.
You were the only one who held me even when i was crying,
even while i pushed you away.
you were there for me.
you were my... light,
i can't stand to watch my
l i g h t
she spoke quietly yet strongly.
and she watched as a smile spread across his face.
and he silently confessed that
she was his light,
she was his sight.
perfect ✓
Short Storystory #1 in the 'for the flawed' series. tw | eating disorder she just wanted to be skinny for him; she wanted to be the kind of girlfriend he'd be proud to have, even if he couldn't see her. he just wanted to see her, to be able to tell her she was...