Betrayal (Thor)

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"I trusted you."

Your cold voice cut through the thick tension,bouncing off the transparent glass walls of the cell.

Your arms were crossed. Your eyes practically glew with hatred.

And betrayal.

"I trusted you! We had a deal. A deal you promised you would keep because I was a sister to you, " you addressed the God of Thunder.

"I did so much for you. Tolerated, so much more. And this is the thanks I get?"

Meanwhile Stark displayed the video on the projecter.

"(y/n), I'm -"

"A traitor! To me! To us all! To bonds that otherwise so tightly bound us together! A family!

"Really actually don't care to interrupt but, is this all actually necessary?" a bored Tony enquired.

You gave him a deadly glare, one he wasn't prepared to face over a matter like this.

The video began to play, and once it was finished, Thor sat there sheepishly with his hands crossed on the table.

A matter of food.

"You promised me the last box of pop tarts, dickwad."

"Finders keepers losers weepers pup."

"I was gone for 2 hours you imbecile."

"Two hours too long!"

"I told you if you wanted, you had to get up off your ass and walk to the store buy more yourself," you hissed.

"This has been going on for too long. You can't keep stealing everyone's snacks after you've already emptied the fucking fridge."

"I was hungry," he pouted.

"So was I!!"

"How about I just ban the two of you from ever reveling in the devine serenity of your sugar-coated snacks."

"Shut up!" you both yelled at the billionaire.

"I'm a God what did you expect?"

"Then again you might as well be one too at the rate you eat," he added.

"Are you calling me fat!???!"

"I would never lady (y/n). I think you possess the beauty of a thousand Asgardian sunrises."

You blushed.

"And besides. The more you eat, the fiercer the warrior no?" his booming  laughter filled the cage.

"And you're a pretty fierce warrior lady (y/n)."

"I-If you think you're sweet talking your way out of this, you're wrong."

He looked towards you and smiled. His obnoxiously obnoxious smile.

Everything was silent for a moment, before you picked up something from your left and threw it at his head.

Tony groaned as he facepalmed.

And eventually began making his way out of the room as the shouting began yet again.

"I live with a bunch of children."

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