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Imagine being friends with Logan and he confesses his love for you.

Warnings: mentions of Smut, violence.

Disclaimer : Jean isn't dead, neither is Scott (The Last Stand and days of Future Past never took place).

You were a journalist and a mutant- rights activist. You ended up visiting Xaviers School quite often and before you knew it, you had befriended all of the x-men.

You gained all their respect, with your overall enthusiasm and particular set of wits.

You visited so often you practically lived there. You already had a room and everything. It had become your second home.

"What you thinking about, Bub?" his rough voice broke through your thoughts.

You and Logan sat on the roof, a beer in his hand and a milkshake in yours. You didn't really drink.

"I spend alot of time here."

"And that's a bad thing?"

You scoffed. "With your arrogant ass, it's a nightmare," you joked.

"Please. My ass is a pleasure to be around," he winked at you, taking another swig of his beer.

"Seriously though. I think I might permanently move in."

He paused, and looked towards you.

"You guys are all my family. I spend most of my time here anyway. And I'm sure I could help around with something."

"You'd be an amazing teacher. The kids love you," he looked at you with so much happiness you had to look away to hide your blush and excitement.

Sure you loved everyone. You got along well with Hank, you enjoyed watching Charles teach, or breaking all his rules with Raven.

But the main reason you decided to move was because of Logan. Despite him being quite dissmissive and cold to most, he immediately took a liking to you.

You two were stuck at the hip these days. You guys became the talk of the school, people constantly shipped you two.

Which wouldn't have been a problem, if you could deny their claims. Instead you just blushed and let Logan handle the situation with his usual snark.

"You need a room?" he asked, despite knowing you already had one. Right on the other side of the mansion.

"If that's an offer to get me into your bed, it's going to take a lot more than that, Logan."

He smirked. "Oh I'm trying, just not the way you think."

You raised your eyebrows questionably.

"Not that I'm saying I'd turn down a night with you, Bub, but I'm sure you're tired of having to walk all the way just to meet me."

"I don't mind the walk if I get to see you."

This is what it was like. You woke up, you met Logan and headed to breakfast, then did whatever you two felt like that day, exchanging flirty comments and playful banter for the remainder of it.

And every night he insisted on walking you back to your room. He was overly protective.

"I do."

"An unusual thing to be bothered by. Are you sure you're not trying to bed me?" you teased.

"Why, you offering?"

You laughed.

A comfortable silence engulfed the two of you, as the sun began to set ahead.

He sighed. "You know how much you mean to me, don't you?"

"Mmh? Yeah. I mean-yeah." You had no idea where this was going.

"It's just-I'm not... I'm not good with this," he chuckled, biting his lip nervously.

You waited patiently.

"I've tried avoiding being distant.. at least with people like you."

People like you? What is he getting at?

"Logan, I don't think I'm following."

"Since Jean-"

There it is.

"I never thought I'd find someone who... God what the fuck am I thinking?"

He abruptly stood up, running a hand over his face,beer long forgotten.

You gently stood up and made your way over to him. You didn't have a problem with Jean. But ever since she left Logan for Scott, sometimes it's all he talks about.

It gets frustrating. Listening to someone you adore talk about another like that.

"Use your words, Lo," you cooed. Your frustration melted as you took in his mood.

"I just... You're always there for me."

"It's my job. I'm your friend."

"That's just the problem," he turned to face you, cupping your face with your hands.

"I don't want to just be your friend."

You froze,lettting him say what you for months wished he'd tell you.

"The day I first saw you I knew. I knew you'd make me feel this way... I knew that Id-"

"You'd what?" your voice was barely above a whisper.

"That I'd fall in love with you."

You pushed forward, but before either of you could appreciate the feeling of your lips on each other's, someone cleared their throat.

You broke apart, facing a smirking Charles.

"Hate to interrupt you love birds, but we've got word Erik is starting up trouble somewhere near Washington."

He smirked again, turning around his wheelchair, he shouted over his shoulder, "You two can have the room upstairs when we get back," causing both of you to immediately jump to your defences.

He only chuckled at both your futile attempts and threats to "stick my claws right through his stupid bald head".

"I'm sure you have something else you'd much rather stick elsewhere, Logan."

Against your better judgment you laughed. Doing so even harder when Logan rolled his eyes and swore under his breath.

"Really, old man," he groaned, as he tried to guide your quaking form back inside.

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