Chapter 1☁️-Can you keep it down?

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It's been one week since the party. I miss you so much. I've been home all week, I'm still hoping you'll come back? Where are you Jisung?
As you get older sometimes you have to make sacrifices. Living in a run down apartment complex to save yourself a few bucks was definitely worth the sacrifice. Even if your window overlooked a gross trash bin and an alley that held many creepers of the nightlife. Or the overnight train that was nearby shook the weak foundation of the building, awakening you from your much needed slumber. The simple truth was you didn't want to stay in a dorm or live with your parents. It was more expensive and irritating to have roommates. Living with your parents meant they would still be able to dictate your life. So you opted for staying in your small 1 bedroom apartment that was ten minutes away from campus, in the place you call home.

It would be a bit better if you actually got sleep though. Your next door neighbor in apartment #19 was always obnoxiously loud in the early hours of the morning. You had never met him but you knew his name was Jisung, or at least that's what his equally loud friend named Seungmin called him. Every night the same pattern repeated: Jisung came home always after 12, he would yell on the phone with his friends, then blast loud music all night until his speaker died. Being a college student, you needed all the sleep you could get. Jisung wasn't very helpful.

With a cup of iced coffee in your room, you laid on your stomach in mess of blankets facetiming your best friend Changbin. "Do you have any plans for tomorrow? I heard there was a movie night going on in the library." You babbled on to Changbin who was busy working on his computer.

"Mhmm. What about it?" He mumbled in response barely listening to you. Changbin was a commercial music major. He was always working on his computer, whether it was an actual assignment or a personal project he was busy. His face was masked on camera by his hair and black hood.

"Can you go with me? I have no one to go with." You let out an exasperated sigh thinking he would have gotten the hint already.

"I'm gonna be busy y/n. I need to have this project done by tomorrow." He gave you an apologetic smile, glancing at the camera.

Great, looks like I'm staying home alone for another boring night.

Next door you heard a loud bang signaling your lovely neighbor was home, and with guests. Your thin plaster like walls allowed you to hear everything. "He's home?" Changbin chuckled as you buried your face into your pillows hearing the shouting from the 3 boys next door.

"Yes, I wish he didn't live next to me. Why does he have to bring his annoying friends over at 12am to play video games." You ranted to your best friend who was listening with an amused smile on his face.

"So why don't you tell him to shut up?" Changbin let out a laugh that always made you smile but you shake your head in response.

"That's rude! I would ask nicer than that." You scolded him through your phone screen and he begrudgingly mumbled some words of agreement.

"Anyways while you listen to him be loud for another night, I need to go it's almost 1 in the morning." Changbin gave you salute and you waved bye knowing you should be trying to get some sleep too. Even though you inevitably wouldn't. Taking the last sip of your coffee, your cup now rattled with ice chips as you sat it down on your nightstand with a sigh.

"Stop running me off the road!" One of the boys shouted next door and you flicked off your light, covering your ears helplessly with your pillow. After an hour of more shouting it got louder than you ever heard before. There was the sound of cheering and almost like...skidding? On the hardwood floor that he had in his apartment.

What the hell could they possibly be doing now?

You got up from your bed grabbing your cell phone, thoroughly irritated. You put on your house shoes that were in the shape of puppies stomping angrily out of your apartment. No doubt you looked like an angry child. You couldn't deal any longer with the incessant noise they created next door and you finally felt the need to take Changbin's advice.
You feebly raised your hand at the door you stood in front of reading the chipped gold lettering that clung to the door. Apartment #19. You were suddenly regretting your decision of leaving the warmth of your bed, feeling self conscious in your pink shorts and puppy slippers. You looked like a 15 year old. You gave the door a hard knock with a sigh not wanting to let the idea of 3 potentially cute guys opening the door scare you away from getting a peaceful night of rest. The shouting that had once been going on had instantly stopped when you knocked on the door. You held a baited breath staring down the hallway that led to your staircase outside, feeling uneasy seeing the white light flicker at the end of the hall.

Maybe I should just go home.

You were about to take a step back towards your apartment when the door was yanked open startling you. A guy around your age with dark hair smiled at you with a questioning look.

"Hi can I help you?" The boys voice came out rushed, almost out of breath while rustling and whispering came from inside.

"H-hi? I was just wondering could you guys keep it down.... your shouting and rustling is a bit..loud." You gave him a confused look when you heard a bang echo through the apartment.

"Yeah sure no problem, sorry for bothering you." He nodded his head with a small grin. You could tell he was judging your night clothes but you didn't care much.

"It's fine you know just college life, you're always blasting music and playing video games with your friends so it's kinda hard to ignore." You stared the floor becoming embarrassed by your sleepy appearance.

"Me? I'm Seungmin you must mean this idiot Jisung he lives here not me." Your head shot up hearing his name. So this is the infamous Seungmin. Seungmin opened the door wider showing two guys who were struggling, coming up to the door.

"First off, I am a genius and second is everything okay?" A guy with dark, almost burgundy hair had on a large hoodie, with a moving figure under the cloth. You stared at him bewildered until the third boy appeared holding a bunny. You gasped at the sight of the small animal wanting to hold it. He had dyed blonde hair that would catch attention anywhere.

"Felix you were supposed to hide the bunny stupid." Jisung sighed in defeat letting the bunny he held under his jacket pop through the opening by his head.

"Uhm I can come back...just please keep the sound of your bunnies and shouting down." Your heart was racing as you gave another quick sentence not giving them time to respond before you ran back into your apartment. The 3 boys watched you leaving with curious smiles, popping their heads out of the doorway while you entered your home. The interaction left you 10x more confused than before but finally there was no more shouting, scratching of nails, or his loud music echoing through you walls anymore.

Apartment #19//Han Jisung AUWhere stories live. Discover now