Chapter 12☁️-The Nights Just Beginning

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"Jisung, get off my floor or go home." Felix complained to Jisung kicking his ankle. Since the festival Jisung had been staying at Felix's, avoiding you.

"But I don't want to go back there." Jisung whined pulling the blanket he hadn't moved from under over his face.

"You're gonna run into y/n sooner or later. I can't keep taking care of your bunnies forever either." Seungmin sighed staring at Jisung on the floor pitifully.

"Yeah man you gotta talk to her again one day." Felix yanked the blanket off of him in one swift motion. Jisung grumbled not wanting to give up.

"No I don't. I can stay here."

"You sound...nevermind." Seungmin shook his head, shoving back in his earphones to drown out Jisung and Felix's bickering.

"As much as I would like to think my parents would let you move in, I don't think they would. Stop being stubborn." With a drawn out sigh Jisung finally got up from the carpeted floor defeated.

Jisung knew the inevitable was going to happen, you two would see each other again and it would be painfully awkward. Or at least that's how he pictured it. He was being stubborn like Felix said and he would keep being stubborn if it meant avoiding you for as long as possible.

"Is there more pizza?" Jisung sat in the chair at Felix's desk trying to divert the other boys attention if he could. The other boys stared. "Let me stayyyy." Jisung whined for the last time and gave up when they met him with blank expressions.

"How about we go do something else for the night then?" Seungmin's head shot up once he got an idea.

"Like what? I'm down to just eat more pizza and never move again." Jisung nodded eagerly until Seungmin face palmed himself in annoyance. Seungmin and Felix shared a look before turning back to Jisung.

"Well you see we finally got new fake IDs after ours got we're going to put them to use!" Felix announced flashing him the 2 new cards with their pictures on it.

"We can go to the new club downtown." Seungmin shrugged snatching his card away out of Felix's hand. He wasn't one for clubbing, but if it would get Jisung off of Felix's floor then he would.

"Are you guys sure about this? I don't want either of you hurt." Jisung was skeptical of going to the new club. It was probably crawling with Hyunjin's "friends".

"We're in this together, we're all more than capable of protecting ourselves in a club." Felix reasoned.

"Well when you put it like that...fine let's go. But if we run into any trouble we're heading straight back here," Jisung gave into their pleading looks knowing he didn't need to stay in the house any longer. "Hyunjin is already on our asses enough after what happened downtown..."

"Grab your stuff just in case something happens." Seungmin nodded shortly before the boy moved to start getting ready.

The drive to the club was short. The boys had gotten dressed and had made it to the club that was already bustling with activity even though it was still only 7pm.

"Are you sure you're old enough to be here?" The bouncer asked when the boys arrived in line weary of them.

Jisung elbowed Felix in the side and he emerged from behind Seungmin taking his place. "Yes, we're old enough." Felix stared down the bouncer catching him off guard when he spoke. Felix's deep voice still sometimes came in handy.

The bouncer took one more glance at the boys before opening the door letting them inside the club. "Have a good night!"

By the time they had made it inside the three were cracking up because of what happened. An array of dark blues, neon pinks, and bright greens waved over their heads like clouds. The smell of alcohol and bodies fused together with the beat of the music turning the area around them into a haze. They hadn't been inside a club in a few years, there was no need for them to go places like that anymore.

Apartment #19//Han Jisung AUWhere stories live. Discover now