Made of Gold [Angel/Demon!Luke]

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Here is the first part of the anthology, consisting of Half Angel/Half Demon!Luke. Next part will be Angel!Ashton.



He never stopped keeping track of her. She was ingrained in his mind, meant to be kept there for as long as he was alive; he'd never forget the fire her touch ignited, hotter than the depths of Hell he resided in, or the soft glow of her brown eyes when she looked at him, or the way her prominent cheekbones pushed up when she stunned him with her gorgeous smile. It had taken a while for her to look at him like that, after finding out who—what—he was, and the first time she'd smiled at him, Luke remembered feeling the heart of the body he'd taken over centuries ago beginning to race, a sensation he'd never felt before, one only she could elicit from him.

Tameera was everything Luke wasn't. A bright, welcoming aura around her that made people fall in love with her effortlessly; with her smile and eyes and heart, and she didn't even have to try. Luke couldn't believe, at one point, he thought he'd been too good for that. Well, good wasn't the appropriate term; he just thought he was better than her, better than to take one look at her smiling face and fall to his knees in front of her. That was the demon in him deciding; the part of him he inherited from his father—dark and uncaring with the occasional attitude of seeing humans as pathetic scum that couldn't fend for themselves.

But then he thought of his mother, long gone and one of heaven's angels, who always believed humans were meant to be protected as one of God's finest creations. Luke often wondered how someone like his mother could fall in love with his father, one of the most powerful demons and the King of Hell, a ruler in his own right with Lucifer being dead for centuries before Luke ever came to be. For so long, Luke struggled with who he was; being half demon and half angel, not entirely bad but not entirely good, either. He'd gone so long without his mother's words that he found himself often molding into the attitude his father possessed, darkened by the loss of Luke's mother and damn near ruthless in his rulings.

And while he was the Prince of Hell with a father as unbending as his, it wasn't until he met Tameera that Luke finally understood what his mother had been talking about all those years ago. How humans were needed to be protected and guided and cherished—Luke only took it one step further by falling in love with one.

Unfortunately, he couldn't forget who his father was. He couldn't forgive his father, either. Not for what he had done.



Luke wasn't sure if he kept picking at his chipped black nails because he was dreading it or if he was impatient to get it over with. It's not like he's never done this before—tracking down and taking care of demons who went against his father's commands was something he's been doing for years now. Just a quick stab with his serrated knife and it was done, punishment for extracting human souls long before their time. Truthfully, Luke never understood why he always felt so jittery before doing something like this; it was only a demon he was getting rid of. Sure, he was half demon himself, but ridding of a human soul sucker that ran around causing havoc wasn't the worst thing.

Maybe it was the actual act of killing. Angels were warriors as well, soldiers of heaven just like demons were soldiers of hell. All in all, Luke was meant to be a warrior down to his very core. Maybe it was because he knew every time he killed a demon, he was killing the human host it had taken over. Knew that there was no chance for the soul that had once been the person the demon took over to ever recover, that it was gone. It was the angel in him that felt for the lost soul, but the demon in him that got the job done.

He was sitting on a bench on the sidewalk that faced the street, the bar behind him bustling with life as a line of people stood outside, ready to go in. Luke sat with his back against the metal armrest, digging into his lower back through the material of his button down and leather jacket, right foot on the ground and left foot propped up on the bench. The guy he was after was inside, Luke knew, but he wasn't about to storm inside. While most demons liked things messy, it was the angel in him that wanted this to be done as quietly as possible.

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