Chapter Twenty-Five, Part Two

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"Sunny!" you exclaim, hugging the small Whimsun as soon as you recognize her. Her thin arms wrap around you as she flaps her wings to elevate herself and match with your height. You let go seconds after, facing her with a smile. "Where were you? I didn't see you before."

"I- I didn't want to distract you, but I was there waiting in case you needed my testimony." A smile of her own forms on her face while the conversation keeps going. "You did really good out there, (Y/N)."

You thank your co-worker and offer her to sit down. She refuses when you ask if she would like to join you and the rest for dinner, though she still greets your company before getting to speak with you again. "I need to go now. . . B- But call me when you get home, okay? I want to know you made it safe."

The conversation ends on that note. You give your gratitude again -- this time for the flowers she had given you -- and bring her in for one final hug. She returns it with a bit more strength this time, and you notice a barely traceable hint of embarrassment on her face when she lets go of you.

Sunny exits the diner and leaves you be with your company. Toriel and Frisk are busy talking with each other while Solana's attention is focused mostly on you. Her eyes darting to your back makes you realize she's giving you a heads up rather than looking to have a talk with you.

Turning around, you see Jessie and Papyrus talking with each other. A deep, saddened expression is present on the skeleton's face while Jessie's is left unknown due to you facing their back. You nod at Solana and she nods back when you stand up. You try to be subtle by taking your serving of soda in hand and chugging most of it down, making it look as if you were ready to throw the cup away.

Near empty cup in hand and ready to take action, you walk close to where they're having their conversation, passing by a few tables and greeting the few acquaintances passing by. You arrive near the trash cans located close to where they stood, listening in on their conversation.

"My brother and (Y/N) have the right to continue their friendship," Papyrus objects, furrowing his gaze at Jessie, who you could now see held a stern visage and arms crossed defensively in front of them. "I do not see why Faust cannot do the same, either -- He has made many friends at his new school!"

"Says who?" Jessie asks, challenge in their tone.

"My brother says so," the monster replies, pride in his tone. "It is a tutor's duty to observe the progress the student makes. He was the one in charge of providing you the credit transcript, in fact!"

"I don't see why he's allowed to meddle so much in my son and (Y/N)'s life," your ex disagrees, shaking their head. "Things are the way they are for a reason. A tutor shouldn't butt in on whatever's going on with me and (Y/N). I don't know why you think it's fine for your brother to hang out with a divorced parent in the first place."

"If you would excuse me, I believe everyone has the right to move on. You have found another partner, haven't you? Why should it be any different for (Y/N)?"

"Because (Y/N)'s responsibility's taking care of Faust now, not mess around with a monster like-"


You almost jump at the sound of Sans's voice from behind you, the feeling of a finger poking the side of your waist adding to that experience. Calming your heart and holding back the surprise in your eyes, you turn to meet with him, an instant sense of guilt rising when being caught nosing around.

"Uh. . . Hey," you speak up, voice shaky with the earlier startle. "How's it going?"

"Weren't you just overhearing a conversation?" he asks, grinning.

"And weren't you just watching me overhear a conversation?"

He snickers at your line of defense, visibly taken aback by the change of expression shown on the white dots of his eye sockets. Aware of the risks of standing nearby Jessie and Papyrus's argument, he signals for you to follow him outside. You assent and make your way out, excusing yourself from the group for another moment.

The mild warmth of the night hits your skin when you step out. You're promptly greeted by lampposts shining over you and a few cars speeding right past the empty streets. Not exactly knowing what the monster planned to say besides his accusation of seeing you listening in on a conversation, you stand right beside the door and wait for him to take any sort of action.

The sudden memory of what you confessed in court makes you have a change of plans. Gulping your tension away, you press back against the wall before standing straight and passing a hand against the back of your neck.

"About what I said back there, Sans -- You. . . I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, so forget about what I said, alright? I'm really fine with us being friends, and I remember what you said about your last relationship with your friend. I only said it to be honest with the judge, so don't worry about it."

You observe him from a distance, the look on his skull unknown to you. His hands are in his pockets while his irises are facing down at the worn path of concrete beneath him. You lean against the wall of the establishment again and cross your arms over your chest, the humidity of the air blowing past warning you over the approaching rainfall. The silence grows unbearable as you wait for him to say anything.

"It's fine," he states, a dry chuckle leaving his teeth. "I didn't bring you out here for that -- I just wanted to ask how you're doing. I know the kid wants to stay and that he liked being at Tori's school, but what about you? How've you liked being here so far?"

You're caught unprepared by that question and break eye contact with him as soon as you take a second too long to speak up.

"If I'm going to be honest with you, I want it to be tomorrow already. I don't want to let Jessie have their way with any of this -- That's the reason why I don't live in this town any more in the first place. Faust's been on his happiest ever since the day we adopted him -- the school's amazing for him, and. . . it's amazing for me, too." Heat settles on your cheeks and ears as you take a breather and continue with your train of thought. "I. . . I like what we have here now, and I want it to stay that way."

Sans looks straight at you once you're done with that confession, a quick trace of surprise displaying itself on his skull. Slowly, he takes a step forward and closes off some of the space kept between you.

"(Y/N). . ."

What he plans to say dissolves away, and quiet quickly falls between you as a few drops begin to land on your skin. One by one, these continue to fall consistently enough to make the two of you seek shelter below the empty gazebo set for people who wanted to eat outside. The breeze blows stronger, lashing out the thin rain right at you. Sans notices and furrows his sockets, staring at the sky before looking at you again.

"Let's go back," Sans speaks, the way those words come out leaving no room for additional topics to be brought up between you. "It's gonna fall harder soon, and your food's gonna go cold."

Nodding, you manage a strained smile and stand firm, burying down the pang of disappointment at him dismissing that topic entirely.

You enter the diner and say your respective goodbyes, sitting back down with Toriel, Frisk, and Solana to finally begin eating your part of the family meal. Sluggishly, you bring a piece of food to your mouth, appetite entirely gone by now. The lukewarm food is no match to the constricting feeling that remains on your chest. Though you try not to dwell on it too much, it's hard for you to forget when you see him and his younger brother standing in line from afar.

Whatever he was about to say, you blamed the downpour for interrupting him and leaving you wanting closure on his thoughts.

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