Chapter Fifty-Two, Part Two

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The same warnings as before are emphasized again here for your safety.

Please read with discretion if uncomfortable with the subjects mentioned previously!

“Court is dismissed for the next two hours,” the judge proclaims, an edge to her tone. “Those involved with this case are prohibited from leaving this town. The rest may go wherever they please.”

It takes a moment for people to stand up, these still occupied discussing what happened. A few faces spare you looks of encouragement, some of judgement, and several with pity, the last one you’re not particularly fond of. Some of your monster friends arrive to speak with you, though you excuse yourself from them, wanting to stop the guards already busy walking Sans out of the room. 

His irises are still as dim as you had seen them moments before -- if not dimmer, a lost look visible in the way he stares at everything and everyone around him.

“I'll be back soon,” you warn, directing your words at the group, though mostly at Faust. He’s standing beside them, finally allowed to join the monsters now that he wasn’t required to sit apart from them. Frisk and Solana join in, too -- the bailiff, judge, former judge, and policewoman all gathered to one side, concerned expressions on their faces as they talk with each other. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

“Take your time, dear,” Toriel suggests, the careful sound of her voice soothing your mind. “I can take Frisk and Faust to lunch while you manage.”

“And I’ll go have a word with that guy,” Undyne adds, the way she says it while staring over at the mayor making you imagine she would roll her suit’s sleeves up were she in an old-timey bar fight. “That was no way to talk about my friends. I’ll ask him a thing or two about where he got whatever information he gave the judge that made her lose her cool."

“I doubt he’ll want to say anything,” Mettaton comments, arms crossed and mouth shaped into a frown. “He’s as stubborn as I was when I used to work underground -- It’ll take a lot for any of us to understand him, or why he’s even doing all this in the first place.”

“It’s still worth a try!” Papyrus exclaims, grabbing Alphys by both her shoulders, startling her. “Alphys had the courage to confess in front of many people! I am positive that if she overcame that fear, it’s also possible we may learn something new by talking to him.”

Seeing everyone engage themselves in the topic, you smile and dismiss yourself from the group, clutching onto the locket hidden underneath your shirt for support. While it was hard to concentrate with the burning worries of the case and the situation between Sans and Jessie, you feel grateful to see everyone gathered safe in the courtroom -- to know Faust was here, to see him with Frisk, to see Solana join in, and to see almost all the monsters you had closely befriended to the point of them feeling more like family. It’s a reassuring factor for your doubts, hope rising within and encouraging you to look for the missing monster of the crowd.

It takes you a good fifteen minutes to track the guards and Sans down, having to ask others where he had been taken off to.

As soon as you do, you feel fear cling onto you --rough and unmoving. The mist you had seen clouding Sans’s vision is now a thick fog, only a trace of his face able to be seen through it. Your thoughts instantly click at that sight, remembering one of the chapters you read from the book the monster wrote.

“W- Wait!” you call out to the guards, feet stuck to the floor. “Leave him alone!”

You finally break out of your shock and hurry towards Sans’s side. A few guards try to stop you, though they give in when they see the fog grow darker, seeing less and less of his face the longer it takes for you to act. You force yourself not to stare at Jessie sitting by the benches afar -- kept under watch by two officers -- and grab Sans’s shoulders tight, shaking him as roughly as you’re capable of and shouting his name when the fog refuses to fade from his skull. His body feels limp despite him still standing, unresponsive and unnaturally hot to the touch. 

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