Chapter Fifty-Four, Part One

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"You just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from the Universe. And everyone wants to get with the Universe." – Finn, Adventure Time

Third Person POV

Sans's Perspective

Three days have passed, and it’s almost Christmas.

Sans has managed to stay in touch with others, though the person he least learns about is (Y/N). Aside from knowing they were staying at the inn he had told them of, he knew nothing about the state of the trail and even less about whether the charm was working in terms of keeping them and Faust safe. He’s skeptical of the mayor, even more now with the news of him having gained intel from a monster.

It would be too far-fetched for him to declare it could be one of the monsters he was friends with; he wouldn’t even assume that about Mettaton, how far he had gone for the sake of (Y/N) and Faust enough to make the skeleton see past the things he disliked about the robot to instead rely on him. He starts crossing out names and suspects, a headache piercing through and delaying him more than he would want. Alphys had her tendencies to run her mouth a little too much sometimes, but he thoroughly doubted her ever exchanging words with the mayor -- even Undyne loathed that idea on her own. 

Breathing in, he tries to continue, though he feels that same headache cross with him again, on par with the feeling of something sharp tightening around his wrist. Sans’s irises flicker as he looks down at his hand, only to find nothing but surface-deep scratches on his wrist. The same feeling attacks his ankle next, vanishing even quicker and latching onto his neck right after.

Finally, he’s able to grasp onto the thing hurting him, grabbing it with his healthy hand in spite of the danger it involved. 

“Do you have a death wish, Smiley? I wouldn’t try that if I were you.”

In front of him appears a yellow flower -- the yellow flower, if he were to be specific. Flowey, the supposed friend Frisk had tried to keep stable ever since leaving the Underground, was now standing in front of him, a smile on his face.

“You’ve gone soft, haven’t you?” the flower taunts, a smug look overcoming his features. “A few years back, you would’ve caught me first try, and you would’ve told me off the minute I showed up in front of you.”

“Only if you tried anythin’ funny -- There’s a difference, pal.”

“I’ve seen you cry, Smiley. You’re not the same as before.”

Sans tenses with that callout. Though he didn't want to agree with the flower, he was speaking the truth. It would've been a cold day in hell before he allowed himself to cry in front of someone a few years back -- let alone the kind he was supposed to be on the watch for when he used to be a sentry. He had even cried tears of laughter during his conversation with the human the day he got his restraining order. It was safe to say he felt comforted, and that he was being much more careless when it came to staying guarded around them.

“You've fallen hard for (Y/N), haven't you? So much that you've allowed yourself to be weak in front of them."

The flower wraps its vines tighter around Sans's neck, grinning when he sees him flinch. 

"You've cried. . . You've gotten angry. . . You've worried over them. . . And you've even proposed to them recently, when just a few years back, you couldn't even care less about what happened to your kind! You waited until the last minute to intervene back then, but now- Now you're actually trying, even though you suck at it. You let your precious prince(ss) be kidnapped that one time not long after Jessie tried to kill them, just like how you let your brother die in the past!”

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