Chapter Six

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Jasmine POV

It feels so peaceful here I would stay here forever.. Mom, dad you guys are here.. Yes honey we are. How are you? I miss you guys so much, I'm so sorry for what happen, it's all my fault.. My mom just hugged me, stop blaming yourself sweetheart, it was our time, dispite how it end. I want to stay here with you guys.. No baby you have to go back to be with the people you love.. But you guys are the only ones I love.. That's not true sweetheart, go back to your friend. It feels like I'm drifting, but before I'm completely gone, I heard my moms voice "love is not cruel baby, just explore it and welcome it with open arms, do not be afraid to love" What do you mean.. Mom, dad wait don't leave me.. Beep beep, that's all I keep hearing around.. MOM!!! DAD!!! I jump up pulling all wires from my body crying like crazy.. Jasmine relax, you're ok.. Lifting my head to the voice, I saw Reece looking at me.. How are you feeling? ..He has the nerves to ask me that..Jasmine, pulling from my thought.. Are you ok?.. What are you doing here? I cam e to check on you to see if you're ok.. That's funny, you asking me that when you're the reason I'm here.. Look Jasmine I'm sorry for why I did.. O really you are.. Good to know, now get out and leave me alone.. Jasmine please here me out.. I don't want to here anything.. GET OUT AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!! I HATE YOU!!! .. I saw a glimpse of hurt in his eyes, but I don't care at the moment. I want him to feel exactly how I felt.. I looked at him, I don't want to see your face ever around me.. Go away and never come back I said with tears in my eyes.. He got up and left.. I was a crying mess. Why do I feel this way when I say him hurt.. Hey sleepy head, you're awake I heard Ann say.. Reece was here I informed her.. WHAT? Relax I told him to leave and to never come back.. Good he deserve it and all these while I've been rooting for you guys.. Rolling my eyes, just shut up, we both started laughing.. Ann, I looked up and saw Mrs Parker, hey Jasmine. I wave my hand and greeted her.. Yes mom what is it.. You should go home and get some rest, you have school tomorrow, but Jasmine is in the hospital, yes and you're not. Go home with your father, I'll keep Jasmines company.. Fine she said as she hugged me and left.
Looking up at Mrs Parker.. How are you feeling sweetheart, I'm good thanks. Jasmine I want to say something to you, but please don't be upset, nothing you say Mrs Parker can make me upset.. Ok, so I saw the young man that came to visit you earlier left with a broken heart.. Mrs Parker, I don't want to talk about it.. I know sweetheart, but everyone made mistake. But he hats me.. How do you know that Jasmine. Because I'm in the hospital. He wasn't trying to put you in the hospital. I'm tired now, I just want to rest, "I just didn't want to talk about it anymore " Ok sweetheart, get some rest.. As she turned to leave, she called to me.. Jasmine.. I looked up.. You know for someone you claim hate you. Why would he come to visit you.. Because he felt guilty.. Yes but why would he sat beside your bed all night looking after you, holding your hands abd crying for you.. He even missed school just for you. My eyes were wide as I watch Mrs Parker retrieving back. Thinking back to what she said. Reece really stayed all night and even cried.. That's not true he doesn't cry.. I'll worry about that tomorrow, no need to focus on The grey eyed, brown hair guy who looks so attraction, he,'s so well built and his lips are amazing when I first kiss him.. He's so.. What the hell I'm I thinking about him like this.. I'll just get some rest..
Getting up in the morning.. Man I'm so tired I hardly got any sleep.. Having that guy with his devilish smile invaded my mind all night, I need to see a therapist because my brain is really acting up. Why can't I think of anything else.. Good morning Jasmine.. Good morning Dr Wellin.. How are you this morning? I'm good, so when can I leave.. Let me run some rest and I'll get back to you.. Thanks Doc.. Hey sweetheart, hey Mrs Parker. Look Jasmine I'm sorry if I made tour upset last night.. No no you didn't, it got me thinking.. Maybe I was too hard on him.. Maybe.. Ok I laugh I was hard on him, he deserve it. Just talk to him.. No I won't, she looked at me with her puppy eyes faking been sad.. I cannot resit her.. Urge fine I'll talk to him.. That's my girl, I'll see you in a bit honey.. I'm going to go sign your discharge papers. She left and I'm still thinking.. I hope I won't regret talking to him. I know he's not Andrew, but he made me so mad sometimes.. I'll worry about him when I see him. It's time for me to head out of this place..

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