Chapter Sixteen

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Jasmine POV

Waking up to the sun blaring through my window, I got up and felt the space beside me for Reece, only to find it empty. I felt a pang in my heart that he left without saying goodbye. I picked up my phone to call him until I saw a text from him.
My life - "Hey babe good morning, I had the best sleep ever and the best weekend in my life.. I love you so much and you made me the happiest guy in the world. I watched until you fell asleep before I left.. I had to leave because my mom called that my dad is in the hospital, So I rushed out and I figured you were too tired, so I didn't wake you. I'm at the hospital now and he's doing great, he just fell down the stairs and broke one of his leg.. He's going home today, so I'll see you at school and maybe you can come over later to see him. I'm really sorry I had to leave "

He didn't leave because he had to, it was family emergency, I'm such an idiot sometimes to think he would leave like this.. I quickly send him a reply..

Me - Hey I'm sorry about your dad, glad it's not too serious and glad he's going home.. I was a little worried this morning when I woke up and saw that you were gone. I'll see you at school and yes I would like to come over today.
My life - Thank you babe, I'm happy to have you in my life.. I love you so much and sorry for worrying you.
Me - It's ok and I love you too.
My life - I'll see you at school..
Me - Ok see you

I got up took a shower and got dress with the outfit I picked out for the day. Simple and ordinary. Even though Reece and I are together and he's the popular badboy of the school, I still dress ordinary, because I don't want to look like Lia wearing the type of clothes that can still fit a 10 year old. So I went downstairs and made my breakfast and head off to school.

I got to school a bit earlier and still got about 45 minutes to spare

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I got to school a bit earlier and still got about 45 minutes to spare.. I was greeted by a screaming Ann asking a whole lot of questions about my weekend with Reece.. How was your weekend.. What did you guys do.. Where did he take you..Was it romantic or was he not.. Did he say I love you.. Did he.. Did he.. Did you finally have sex with him..I covered her mouth to stop her ranting.. I was shocked at her last question, way to be blunt.. Calm down will you and I'll tell you everything.. She finally calm.. So I took her to the library and told her everything. From when we left, to hiking, biking, talking and alot of sex.. She was over the moon as she squeeze, I had to shush her from making noise on the library.. I'm so happy for tourism Jasmine that you finally found someone you trust enough to give your innocence to.. I cringe at her statement and looked down.. She. Must've notice it.. She took my hand.. Look Jasmine.. What taht bastard did to you was not of your consent, the person you willingly gave yourself to is the one who willingly took your innocence.. You need to remember that Reece is your first in everything.. I instantly felt after her saying that, I still feel a little bothered by what happen, but she's right.. I didn't willingly give myself to Andrew, but I did to Reece.. I smile at her.. Thanks Ann.. Anytime she said.. Beside I was always rooting for you and Reece.. I instantly remember how Ann was whenever Jesse was around.. So what is going on between you and Jesse, she instantly blushed.. Ann is there something you're not telling me.. She looked at me, pleasw don't be mad.. Why would i be m.. I stopped my sentence.. Wait did you and Jesse.. She blushed deeper read and nod her head.. Ann! I shouted, but she told me to be quiet.. Ahe then told me everything.. To say I was shocked was and understatement.. Ann slept with Jesse and now they're dating.. Just wow.. Are you mad, she asked.. Surprisingly no. Do you love him. She nod again.. I'm actually happy for you.. I'm glad you found someone that makes you happy as well. Then suddenly the bell rang and we headed to class, time really flies. I had Literature class and it was good, I atleast get to do a bit of reading.
After a long day school ended so I got up and went to my locker as my final class finish and I still hadn't seen Reece all day.. I felt someone hugged me from behind. I knew who it was as host scent is addicting. I turn around and kissed him. I missed you he said.. Where were you i asked.. I'm sorry I wasn't here, I was helping my dad.. How is he.. He's good.. Do you still want to come over. Yes I still want to.. Ok I just came to inform my teachers why I wasn't here, so I'll be right back.. He left and about 15 minutes he came back.. Ready he asked.. Yes let's go.. We went to his car and then we drove to his home to finally meet his family.

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