Chapter Three

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Jasmine POV

After a dreadful day at school, the day is finally over and I can go home and finish my book "Dead Sunrise" by Ann Rule where Chreyl Keeton's brutally blugeoned body was found in her van, I still believe her husband Brad Cunningham is likely the suspect.
As I'm enjoying my book, I heard a knock on my door.. I open the door and saw someine i never thougth i woulf see again .. What do you want Ann? I came to see how you're doing.. As you can see I'm fine, you can leave. Come on Jasmine don't be like that.. Be like what, how you didn't have time for me all these years even after what happen to my parents and now all of a sudden you're showing up. I know as your best friend I should've been there for you Jasmine, but I didn't know how to comfort you.. Wow Ann,  you're something else, coming here to tell me that you couldn't comfort me.. Why are you here now Ann, just leave.. No Jasmine not until you here my reason.. What reason could you possible give me for why you left me 2 years ago. I have Cancer Jasmine, i found out a week before the incident with your parents.. I was going to tell you, but when I saw how distraught you were, I couldn't bring myself to do it, I thought at the time you needed space and not more stress on yourself, I'm sorry I wasn't there Jas... My thoughts are running wild.. My best friend has cancer, omg what kind of friend am I, how long does she have to live.. Shaken from my thought as I heard Ann crying... It's ok Ann I'm here, you should've told me despite of everything, I know Jas, I just didn't know how.. Omg what kind of friend am i, you're still standing outside, how are you, are you fine, do you want to sit down or lie down or I can get you some water or maybe juice or not juice, I could get... Ann stopped me from my blabbering.. Relax Jas, I'm fine. I'm taking medication and I have chemotherapy twice every week to suppress it, everything is looking up. My doctor said with progress, I will be cancer free in no time.. Omg Ann that's the best news I've got all day..
After everything that happen with Ann, we spent the whole day relaxing and watching TV and just been crazy. I didn't realize I miss her until now.. What are you thinking about Ann pulled me from my thought.. Nothing just how I missed hanging out with you.. Me too, so tell me how's school, so I told her of my day and the jerk I bumped  into.. Omg Jas I'm rooting for you and Reece for ages.. O Ann please not that again, I can't stand him, he's a jerk who thinks he can get anyone he wants, come on he slept with anything that have legs.
Ann left as she has to go home to take her medicine and get rest, but I'll see her tomorrow at school as she's starting again.. I decided to read until sleeps comes, as far as I know sleep is far away from my eyes.. I decided to watch some movie instead and yes the notebook was the first thing that came to mind.. And yes that did the trick as I didn't know when I fell asleep..

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