Chapter 1

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1 Week Earlier

I walk into the small dinner I'm work in late, again. Now don't get me wrong I don't do it on purpose. But, I have these visions in my sleep and I wake up with no recollecton of the past eight or nine hours. Sometimes, when I wake I'm not even in my own home but the woods around it. I've always figured I just slept walked and since the town I live in is so, cozy I guess is the word, I don't mind it.

 I've explained it to my boss but he just seems to not care. So as I walk in, he catches my eye and motions for me to follow him into his office. The next words to leave his mouth aren't even surpising. "Devina, I'm sorry but I can't keep you employeed here. It will seem like favoritism if i let you stay after threatening your coworkers." The older man looks at me with pity as he speaks clearly knowing about my current, financial position. My head hangs as I turn to walk into the crew room the stress of the bills piled on my table and another job lost finally starting to get to me. 

I quickly gather my things before rushing out of the door trying to save myself from farther embaressment before tripping over a well placed boot. More correctly a brand new Timberland boot belonging to the douch himself. His name is Lucile, he's a regular with hair as dark and the night sky and eyes you could practically melt in who, for some reason, never liked me. No matter what I did he was always tripping me or trying to just make my life more difficult. I guess today was no different. 

To my surprise before I can hit the ground a strong pair of arms wraps around my small frame keeping my from farther embarssing myself and possibly getting harmed by the impact. After a beat my eyes snap open and I look up at an angel. Well, not literally but he could pass as one for sure. From his strong jawline to his pale blonde hair I couldn't stop myself from clearly checking him out. 

He looks down at me before chuckling at my expression and I can't stop my cheeks from flaring up into a deep blush i could feel all the way down my neck. After one more second I feel him helping to set me on my feet right side up and I cant stop my hand from twiddling  with the helm of my oversized hoodie as I feel at least two sets of eyes blaring into me, making me feel vulnerable almost as though i was standing there naked infront of both men. 

After uttering a small mumble of thanks i practically run to my beat up beetle before speeding out of the dinner parking lot to get as far away from the attractive men as possible. 

As soon as i reach my small apartment I faceplant into my bed before wincing alittle as my sore muscles try to relax. Now not only must I worry about my bills but now I need to find a new job. I guess it was just a matter of time. I've always had trouble keeping jobing because of my sleep patterns and I doubt that will ever change. Why can't money just fall from the sky you know? So much easier. 

With a loud sigh I sit back up my tired muscles complaining before pulling my old laptop from my dresser and pulling up the infamous website I spend so much time on, I pull up the familar website before punching in my location and hitting search jobs new me. After scrolling through multiple pages of jobs all ranging from fast food to the medical field a positon catches my attention, Entry level secretary job for a large business in the city 20 minutes away. Something in my tells me to put in the application so with a few clicks its submitted. Now I guess might as well look for a few mor...

A loud ringing cuts off my thoughts and i furrow my eyebrows as my cell phone rings loudly from my bedstand and almost to slow I reach out for it. As soon as its in my hand the caller ID reads 'Unknown' usually I wouldn't even answer such a call but something in my made me answer. "

"Hello, is this Ms. Devina Trinity?" A soft and rather nice voice asks from my phone. "Oh uh, this us she." I stumble over my words as confusion enters my voice. "Oh, I'm sorry if I caught you at a bad time but we were going over applications and well yours caught our attention. We were wondering if you would like to set up a face to face interview?" As she speaks my jaw drops. "Oh uh, of course I'd love to." I stumble over my words again but this time due to excitement and confusion. 

She laughs and sets the date to one week from now and I quickly add it to my calender before smiling brightly as I thank her before hanging up and doing a happy dance. I guess I'm going to the city next week. 

Author's Note

So what do you think so far? I have some ideas for this story and I hope you won't be expecting the next things to come ~Your favorite witch

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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