Chapter Three: Beginnings

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The trip to Mexico was fantastic. It was just Jasper and I; no diapers to change, no crying baby to feed, no on line classes to work at... it was paradise... Except that I missed Bella like crazy.

Jasper and I could be intimate, and there was no one to interrupt the us-time. Every morning since I had given birth, I would check myself out in the mirror to see how flat my stomach was. There were a few stretch marks left on my skin, but my stomach was mostly flat. I had lost most of the baby weight just from running on the treadmill. I still had my body that I had been so scared to lose. But I realized that even if I had kept the weight, I wouldn't care, because it would be for Bella.

After a wonderful time spent with Jasper, we returned to Ottawa. I rushed into the apartment to find Annabelle holding a sleeping Bella. I ran to Annabelle, and scooped Bella up in my arms.

I showered our little baby in kisses.

"Thank you so much for looking after Bella for us," Jasper said to Annabelle.

"Yes, thank you very much, Anna." Annabelle grinned and said that she didn't mind in the slightest.

That night was a peaceful one.


~6 months later~

"All right, Janie, it's time for nap."

"I don't wanna! Mommy and Daddy don't make me take stupid naps."

"That may be, Janie, but I need you to take a nap."

The small child rolled her eyes exasperatedly, but dropped down onto the little mat that served as her bed.

My daycare business was booming, and I couldn't have been happier.

Jasper had started a new job at a law firm. He was serving as an intern for the time being, but he would soon be promoted to being a lawyer, because he had studied law with day and night courses over the past 6 months, and he had been given a diploma for all his hard work.

I had just tucked the last child in bed, when my phone rang. I ran to pick it up.

"Uh... ow! Hannah? It's Annabelle."

"Are you okay? What's going on?"

"Uh... I am.... um... going into labour... I think..."

"What?!" I kept my yell as quiet as possible.

"Yeah... so, um can you come over here?"

"I'm kind of busy with work, but Jasper will be home in an hour..."

"I'm not sure if you completely understand; I don't have a car, and my contractions are coming, like, 10 seconds apart."

"Oh my God! Why didn't you call sooner?"

"I was sleeping."

"Okay, I gotta take care of this."

I ran next door to my friendly neighour's apartment, and asked her if she could please, please watch over the kids for a while. Their parents would pick them up in about half an hour.

She nodded kindly, and walked into my apartment. I tucked Bella tighter into my arms and ran.

I ran down stairs to the lobby, then I ran into the parking lot and found my beat up old clunker of a car.

I knew it was illegal, but I had to make a call. I picked up my cell phone, and dialed the number.



"Hey, sweetie. Are you okay?"

"Well, I am, but Annabelle is in labour... can you please go to my apartment and assure all the parents that everything is fine? Because I really need to go get her... please?"

"Of course, sweetie. I'll be over in a jiffy. Love you."

"Love you too, daddy." I hung up the phone and sped off toward Annabelle's apartment.

She normally helped with the daycare, but today she said she wasn't feeling well, but now we had an explanation. I was really excited for her, but I knew that the next few hours were going to be the roughest of her life. And with nobody to call the father... I sighed. This was going to be really tough for Annabelle.

Ever since Annabelle told me she loved me, our friendship had never been the same. We will always be best friends, but there has always been an awkward pause in everything remotely romantic. We hug and stuff, but it's always strange, because I can sense her  awkwardness... like hugging a crush.

I pulled into the parking lot of her building, and I stepped out, cradling Bella in my arms. I jogged lightly up to the front door, and sprinted inside. I buzzed Annabelle's apartment, and she opened the door for me. I ran into the elevator, went to Annabelle's room, and found her on the couch.

I helped her down to the lobby, trying to hurry her as much as I could with her huge pregnant belly. Finally we made it to the car and I stepped on it to get to the hospital. I nearly cut a few red lights as Anna's breaths grew more laboured and as she yelled in pain. I did my best to console her without taking my hands off the steering wheel or my eyes off the road.

When we got to the hospital, I parked on a 45 degree angle, racing into the hospital and telling the receptionist that my friend was going into labour, we needed a wheelchair and a doctor, fast.

When the wheelchair arrived, I rolled it out into the parking lot and helped Anna into it. I ran as fast as I could, pushing my friend in front of me-with only one hand, I might ass, as my other was occupied by Bella- to the hospital. There we were met by Dr Robertson. I hugged him tightly with my one free arm when I first saw him, but we continued on to the delivery room. 

When we arrived, I prepared myself to wait in the hall for my friend, but Anna stretched out her sweaty hand and clenched mine, pulling me into the hospital room behind her. 

Anna was so far into labour, it didn't take long for the baby to be delivered. She pushed and sweated and screamed and a new baby boy was brought into the world. Bella clapped and giggled once her aunt had a  content look on her face.

Annabelle's eyes filled with tears as a glorious smile lit up her face. She took her baby boy into her arms and squeezed him tight against her chest. 

"Let's give her a moment alone, shall we?" Dr Robertson smiled, placing a hand on my back and guiding me through the doorway to the hall.

"Now how is little Bella?" he asked me once the door was closed shut behind us. I passed my bay to him so that he could take a better look at her.

I launched into a long-winded explanation of how beautiful, amazing and wonderful my baby girl was. 

"...And Jasper and I are considering having another baby soon," I finished, smiling up at my favourite doctor in the world.

"Well, you two seem to be doing just fine, now... You got married... how long ago was it?"

"About 7 months or so," I grinned, fondly remembering the warm, happy wedding.

"So that makes Bella 9 months old?" Dr Robertson clarified.

"Mmhmm," I nodded proudly. 

"And your friend Annabelle... why is she all alone?"

I frown sadly, "We don't know who the father is, actually... it was a mistake... I don't actually know the whole story..." I trailed off awkwardly.

Dr Robertson nodded understandingly. "So how are you and Jasper doing financially?" he asked warily.

I bristled a bit, but understood that he was just concerned about our well-being. "Quite well, actually. Jasper is getting a promotion in a few days... One of his friends with a high-up job in his firm told him so. It'll be a really great salary, and we're looking into buying a new apartment once that happens... My daycare business is really great, I get about 1000-2000$ a week, so we're really in a stable situation. That's why we're considering another child."

Dr Robertson smiled and nodded. He looked a bit relieved. 

"I should check on Anna," I said, patting the doctor on the shoulder and turning back toward the delivery room.

I found my best friend asleep with her baby in her arms, and I found myself perfectly content. There were new beginnings all around us.

Babies, Husbands, and why I was a Parent by 17Where stories live. Discover now