An alarm clock rings, as does an angry arm ready to smack snooze.
Steve wakes up next to a sleeping Bucky.
Since Steve's parents were out of town, Bucky's parents let Steve stay over in the meantime.
Steve rolls out of bed and slips into his slippers. He quietly walks out the room, trying not to wake his friend.
Steve makes his way to the bathroom on his tippy toes. He turns the hot water on and gets in the shower.
In the shower, Steve starts to think about how he can get tony to talk to him and come to the concert. His thoughts hit the floor with each water drop. He then continues with his usual shower concert and shower dialogue.
Luckily, this was enough to get Bucky awake.
After an exhausting morning, both Steve and Bucky get their way to school. As they walk over into the main entrance, they are greeted by Nat.
Nat smiles and goes on with talking about whatever exciting is going on in her life.
Steve usually always awaits what new story Nat will tell the coming day. Today Nat tells them that the concert date has been shifted to this coming Friday instead of next Friday. Steve then feels a rush of anxiety, knowing he has even less time to convince tony to come.
Steve immediately checks the date. "Hmmm, okay so today's Tuesday, so I have-".
Bucky interrupts his thoughts by telling him that it's time for class.
The group says goodbye and heads to their own classes.
Steve walks over to his classroom with hope that he'll be able to talk to tony again and perhaps tony will decide to come? Perhaps? Steve's thoughts were all over the place. As he struggles to get tony off his mind, it happens again.
Just like last time, both Steve and Tony fall crashing into each other's arms. Tony falls on top of Steve, pushing both of them onto the floor. Tony's face turns red hot. He blushes immensely. A cloud of papers surrounds steves face as he stumbles to get up. Tony rushes off again and heads to class. He doesn't bother to help Steve up.
Tony quickly enters the classroom before Steve even gets a chance to say hi. Tony covers his face and runs into the classroom. Steve follows.
Once inside, Tony proceeds to isolate him in the corner of the classroom.
Steve looks around for Tony and eventually sits next to him.
Tony feels awkward and wishes he was dead or that school didn't happen today. Their English teacher, Mr. Ross gives them an assignment in which they would need to partner up.
Steve immediately looks into Tony's eyes, and of course, Tony has no choice but to partner with Steve.
Steve tries his best to communicate with Tony but he just wouldn't talk. At one point Steve really questioned if he was just wasting his time with Tony.
After a while Tony starts talking...
"Hey..." he says. Steve looks back. "Hey! Wow, for a minute I thought you couldn't talk." Steve giggled. Tony awkwardly smiled and replied, "So, um, you wanna be friends?"
Steve smiled. "Sure." Tony lets out a sigh of relief. "And one more thing." Says Steve. "There's this concert on Friday, and all my friends are gonna be there and since we're friends now, do you wanna, I don't know, come with me?"
Tony's eyes widen.
He had never been invited anywhere.
He hesitates. His hands start getting sweaty. He replies,
"um, sure....."
Steve smiles.
At that moment the bell rings.
Tony grabs his bag and heads out of class. He says bye to Steve and ditches school. He runs to the nearest bus station and rides home.
There's always a coping mechanism.
Stony [Highschool] au
FanfictionSteve and Tony. Two high schoolers so different you'd never think they'd get along. But as fate would have it, both cross paths and forever change each other's lives. From the midst of this friendship, blossoms an unlikely romance and a forbidden lo...