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Hi everyone, sorry but today's chapter is a little bit anti climatic, but i really did my best and put alot of thought into today's story, trying to make it not just about sex, lust and all that good stuff, but there Will be, next chapter, but i don't guarantee it's going to be a Niall/Harry pairing though if you guys are OK with a little love triangle?


Oh. My. God

I can't believe this, what did just do!? as if this could get anymore embarrassing!


Wow. This was the sweetest payback ever. His face Is so red and cute withe his watery green eyes! Maybe I'll just tease him a little bit more and take advantage of this.

"Harry did it feel that good?" Moaning to him seductively with a grin on face, while i started thrusting his gigantic cock with my mouth cleaning up the mess in the process (I've never really done anything like this before but somehow it just came naturally to me). His face turned a new shade of crimson that I've never seen before, but to my surprise he suddenly FAINTS!

"OH MY GOD HARRY ARE YOU OK!" I think my voice was a little too loud because the guys came running to the bathroom, and started banging on the door.

"NIALL! What happened!?", the guys screamed in a unison

I looked at Harry and suddenly realised he was naked from the waist down.

I can't let them see this, so I pulled up his pants, looked at myself to see if I had anything on me, and open the door to make up a show.

"You guys Harry just passed out, I think he's sick!", OK I think this is going good so far.

Louis bends down to feel his forehead to see if he had a cold or something

"I think we better bring him to the hospital, he's burning up" haha yea he's burning up but not because of a cold ;)



ugh i don't feel so good As i was waking up i woke up in a hospital bed and the doctors voice saying 

"He's OK, i'm not quite sure what caused him to pass out, but it seems to be from too much excitement , probably from your performance today, with a mixture of the heat", yup it was excitement alright

"What's going on?" I moaned (not that kind of moan you little pervs( ̄ー ̄)) i tried to sit up but i still feel that churning feeling in my stomach, that's when i remembered Niall.

"You past out in the restroom, luckily niall was there with you or who knows how long you'd still be there" Louis added

oh my god i can't believe i past out, remind me never to mess with niall again 

"Oh where is n-i mean the rest of the guys anyway" I looked around the room for awhile and i couldn't see his mesmerising blue eyes anywhere.

"They went to go clubbing, because the day was so stressful" clubbing? he went clubbing after what he did to me in the restroom? harry, wake up your the one trying to get him to fall in love with you.

"Oh so why didn't you go?"

"Your my best mate, i can't just leave you lying in bed while your unconscious" 

I could always trust Louis to make me feel better, but don't get me wrong were just like brothers and Louis not really my type. My type is a boy with yellow hair that shines more than the evening sun, eyes that glowed lively like ocean waves, and pale, as white as the clouds roaming the sky. Being with Niall gives me a refreshing feeling, like i was going to the beach, and he was also very lively, almost a little too lively. I think i'm slowly falling for him NO! this is just a game Harry remember that!

"Harry the doctor said that you're free to go, wanna get caught up with the boys?"

"sure" i know i shouldn't go clubing right now, but i've got to get my mind of what just happened earlier.



I think back at what i've done so far today, about the kiss on stage, Kissing niall in the closet, snogging in the restroom of a restaurant, and passing out. crazy day so far. I feel like i was with a whole new Niall today, a crazier one, but i'm not sure if i liked it, all i know is i wanna find out what this all meant to him, what was he thinking, but most of all if he's gay, straight, or just bi.

*sigh* i wonder what he's doing right now.

Sorry if it wasn't quite what you guys were hoping for but i promise next chapter would be better, and i was hoping that it would at leaset be 2 pages, and yes I've decided on a Love triangle and changed it to Ziall/narry,

is there any objections?

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