Chapter 1: Five years.

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The Last Avenger: Webclaws. [MCU]

[This has heavy spoilers for Avengers Endgame.]

Chapter 1: Five years.

"Hey, kid. I know, if you're watching this. Then the worst has happened. I didn't see the end of the plan through. There is so much I wanted to tell you, before the Endgame. Before we try and bring you back. I wasn't the best mentor I know. But thank you for being there for me. Over the last five years, I built things for you, knowing you would never use them. But if you're watching this I guess you can. You're an Avenger now, so you get a room in the tower and one at the compound. You also get my labs there as well. Also, I leave you three spare iron spider suits that you can use as well as the schematics on how to build more. I also leave you the Parker Trust I set up for you, it includes five million dollars. If you ever need anything, ask Pepper or Happy. I know these things won't make up for being a terrible mentor. But I am so proud of you. So extremely proud. The hero you are, one day I hope you can lead the Avengers. One day I hope you meet my kid, Morgan. I want them to grow up to be like you. You're the kind of kid I always wanted. Even before I had Morgan I thought you were like my son. I'm sorry. I hope I got to hug you before the end. So here we are. Keep being Spiderman. Keep being the hero I know you can be. Be the Avenger the world needs. And please guide Morgan, in life. Peter Parker, I leave the rest up to you, find a nice girl. Settle down. Have a quiet life and be the hero the world needs. Make yourself happy. And please remember me with all my failings. See you around kid." The hologram of Tony stark my mentor says before it disappears once again into the wrist bands on my suit.

"I don't know why I keep watching it," I say to myself slumping down onto the roof I am sitting on. It's cold now, five years later. Not much has changed, the world is just more scared than when I left. "I can't believe it has been a month since the funeral," I say pulling my mask off my face. So, my eyes can absorb the light of New York. Whites and yellows dance throughout the sky. It almost looks like fireflies dancing throughout the sky. I don't remember how long I have been out for; I don't remember much recently.

"BANG!" snaps me out of my thoughts and with one quick movement, my mask is back on my face. I heard the sound from maybe a block away. So, I leap off the building and I start to swing, the wind rushing against my body, it feels invigorating. It is refreshing, to say the least.

As I do one final swing, I launch myself into the air above a man dressed in all black as well as a woman cowering next to the wall in the alleyway. As I fall I see the man is holding the gun, as I go down, I grab the mans arm and cracks him with a quick karate chop to the neck causing him to fall down knocked out.

"Don't worry miss. Your safe now." I say turning around to the woman who has shock written on her eyes. But a second later her eyes are filled with tears as if she had seen a ghost.

"Peter?" she asks cautiously her voice shaking with every letter. As I look more closely I notice her hair, then I recognise that look. I recognise the girl standing in front of me, MJ.

"MJ?" I ask taking off my mask,

"OMG. Peter!" she says hugging me, my body shaking and my eyes starting to fill with tears. "I thought you were dead!" she says squeezing me tighter.

"What happened?" I ask slightly pulling away from MJ.

"Five years. I didn't get dusted. I figured out you where Spiderman when Ned was watching you fight the aliens on youtube. He watched as you got beamed up. He was crying and then I knew why. Why you suddenly disappeared. He was watching it when he got dusted." MJ says as I feel small tears hit my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I tried to contact you when I got back. But my messages kept getting bounced." I say to her,

"It's ok. You just tried to do the right thing. You tried to be a hero." She says letting go of the embrace and stepping away from me. As she does I feel a small part of me die inside.

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