Chapter 2: The Funeral

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The Final Avenger: Webclaws

Chapter 2: The Funeral

"He doesn't look any older than you, did you see the scar on his back?" She asks, her eyes filled with sadness. As if she had just watched someone die.

"No," I say flatly now her sadness infecting me like some sought of disease. "I did notice the sadness in his eyes though."

"That scar is one a warrior should only have not kids your age," Okoye says staring back into the hallway. "I saw something in his eyes. I saw pain and he was staring at you for a bit." With that, I punch Okoye in the arm which does nothing to her, but I need her to stop otherwise this heat won't leave my cheeks.

Then I hear running as the boy enters the room his hair slightly messier than before and he is wearing a shirt which says "I only make horrible science puns but only PERIODICALLY." Which makes me giggle a bit when reading it, my cheeks having the heat return to them.

"I apologize for not having clothes on before. Nor having very nice clothes with me, I kind of forgot I was hosting royalty." He says clearly embarrassed and stuttering ever so often.

"It's ok. Princess Shuri liked it." Says Okoye winking at the boy making him glow red.

"Okoye!" I yell also embarrassed, "Please ignore my guard. My name is Shuri. Please drop the princess. I don't really care about it." I say walking forward extending my hand for a handshake and a proper introduction.

I see him step forward his hand slightly shaking, "I am Peter Parker also known as Spiderman." He responds taking the handshake finally. "It's a pleasure to meet you Shuri. I am a big fan of your work."

"Really I didn't know I had any fans," I say rather taken aback by him knowing of me and my work.

"Yeah, you're an inspiration, so young and developed so much breakthrough technology. Also, I like the way you fight with your Gauntlets." He responds with a genuine smile,

"When have you seen me fight?" I ask a little confused on how he knows,

"I may have watched you a little when we where all fighting Thanos. I had to stop one of the bigger ones for running you down, but I don't think you saw me do it." He responds,

"Saved my life twice, Peter. Thank you very much." I say releasing my grip from the handshake.

"Umm Mr Parker," Okoye asks now stepping forward into my line of sight. "How old are you?" she asks,

"I am 16 but I will be 17 next month on the 10th. That's biologically but I am actually 21 without the snap." He responds his eyes having a little pain in them now.

"Oh my god," Okoye says taken aback.

"Don't worry. I have been spider man for about a year and a half now. I am quite alright." He says with a small forced smile. But I see the pain beneath it. "Anyway, enough about me. Has Karen made you feel welcome?" he asks sounding a little happier.

"Yes, sir," Okoye says giving him a small smile and a nod.

"Great. I think Karen has ordered some Pizza for tonight. It wouldn't be a proper trip to New York without trying some of our famous pizza." He says with a smile and as if on cue the elevator opens and a pile of five pizzas are sitting there.

"I wonder if he got your favourite?" Okoye asks nudging me as Peter walks over to collect the boxes of pizzas.

"Shut up," I say nudging back and walking over to join the rest of the Dora Miljae. As he opens, I smell the fresh smell of Pizza and my eyes grow wide as I see it. Hawaiian pizza. "He actually got my favourite."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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