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Those 5 kilos of cheese better be the best cheese ever, I swear I'm going to throw it on someone if it's not good and I carried it till here, urgh...

After  getting out of the airport (she would have got into another plane flying to Timbuktu if that security guard hadn't stopped her), Jennie was finally in front of her college. 

But saying that the trip to get to the university had been 'okay' was a huge understatement.

When she had got out of the airport, she had been greeted by Seoul in its most energetic day, with people running in all sides, cars honking everywhere in the dizzying traffic jam, shops lit with thousands of colouful lights, restaurants full of people... she didn't know where to look, where to go, who to ask... And people would just push past her, mumbling curses about " lazy peasants".


After snapping out of her dazed state, she took a hold of her big red suitcase, half of it carrying cheese:

"Okay Tannie, let's find the college. I'm sure we can ask someone."

Bad idea. After trudging in the busy roads for more than half an hour, she was still lost, and didn't know what to do.

"Search on the internet."

That's what the last woman had told her before running off in a bus.

"But I don't have a phone... This is not going to work.."

She sat down and took Tannie out of her bag. Some people were looking at her weirdly, wondering what was a girl doing alone on a bench with an enormous red suitcase, two other bags and a dog.

Well I don't see why they would think it is weird. And in the meantime, I still don't know how to get to that college...

After several minutes looking at the passersbys, Jennie started to feel her droopy eyes closing. Fortunately, her dog was moving on her lap while licking her fingers, or she would have dozed off on that bench.

"Oh no, have you seen that skirt! God, I need to buy it now! It will amazingly match my black blouse!"

"Oh yea, definitely, let's go and take it now, or we'll never get the bus for uni."


Jennie jumped out of the bench, grabbed her heavy bags and her puppy and made a run in the shop where the two girls had disappeared.

When she entered, she spotted them near some shelves, talking and choosing some clothes.

Come on Jennie, man up, this is your chance.

" Hum, e-excuse me ?"

The two girls stopped talking and turned around to face Jennie.

Wow, they are two heads taller than me. Bet they can't even go through my bedroom door.

"Yes? What do you want?" The blond girl asked with a rather cold voice. Jennie shrugged it off and asked:

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