An Unexpected Pair and A Perfect Pair

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I walked down the halls the following morning trying to figure out what to do about following the rules my mother created or bending them a little. As I was walking past the Castleteria I saw Blondie interviewing Apple and Daring.

"So what's the latest scoop on the couple who are Just Right!" Blondie inquired

"Oh Blondie, how many times do we have to tell you we are not a couple, we have Forever After," Apple replied.

"But you guys are just right for each other!"

"Thank you Blondie but we have Hero Training and Kingdom Management class to get to." thanked Apple as she and Daring walked to class together.

I watched them leave and wished I had time to find someone who I can be close to, but I do not have time right now. I walked to my next class General Villainy. As I was walking I noticed that Daring stopped to talk to a group of girls while on his way to Hero Training. I wondered why girls fell for Daring knowing that he and Apple were destined for each other. I wish I could go back to Wonderland so I can find my King of Hearts. I sighed as I continued walking to class.

After class I decided to go get a Hocus Latte, I walked up to the counter, but Daring Charming slid in right next to me.

" The usual good Barista and the same for the lady," he ordered for us and smiled at me.

I could not believe this guy! Why would he order for me?

"Off with the foam!" I yelled.

While I was walking away he ran and stopped right in front of me.

"Would these flowers change your mind? I grew them using the light from my teeth."

I used my scissors and cut the rose buds off of the stems and walked away. No way am I going to fall for his idiotic charms, I need to focus all my attention on becoming the next Queen of Hearts, I cannot worry about dating.

A Game of Luck(Lizzie Hearts x Daring Charming)Where stories live. Discover now