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Zhu Hong out of the blue suggested to move up the wedding, and before anyone could say anything, Shen wei got up and pulled her into his room. He was beyond pissed, that he was lost for words. 

"Yah, are you bent on pissing me off? are you bent on losing  a close  friend, are you bent on losing a brother? what is wrong with you?" he asked in a low but harsh tone, 

Zhu, just looked at him sternly

"don't want him to have you" she said casually 

"why Zhu? is nothing between you and me, never have, never will , so why?" 

"Because If I can't have you, then  no one can, and when we get married, then you would be somewhat mine, and maybe in time you would even fall for me" she said with  a smile. Shen wei looked at her as if she was insane

"even if we get married, I will never fall for you, nor will you ever have me, you really need to start thinking logically. Keep this up sis, and you will lose me"

"I'm sure I don't have to reminded you of what will happen if the merging fail right? I know you well enough to know that you won't let that happen to your parents" She said with a smirk,   Shen wei let out a big sighed, 

"Do you really want me to hate you, sis? because you are really very close to make me hate you, and you know very well , what will happen then right?"

She did not say anything to that and was just starring at him.

Back at the dining table, they started to talk about

"kids these days, are so impatient but good they are so in love that they want it moved up, gives a good picture"  

Yunlan knew she did it on purpose, he just don't understand why, thought they were like brother and sister. Then he said

"sorry to interupt, but...I think that is a bad idea" They all looked at him,  and Shen weis father asked

"how so?"  Yunlan shifted in his seat and then continued

"Right now, the both companies are merging right? so if you suddenly rush a wedding in the middle of a merging, what would most people think?"  They all got quiet for a while then one of the investors said

"I personally would think, that the was something wrong with the company, a lot of people theses days use marriage as an alliance between two companies, but time shows that's never a good idea, so I wold not be interested in investing in such a company."

"yes exactly, I toke a company strategy courses in college  so its kind of my specialty, I would highly recommend not to rush a wedding at this moment, rather let the company shine based on achievements. Experience investors knows that people don't get married when their company are in danger, unless its as you said an alliance so they would then think that the company is in a very very bad shape "  Yunlan said confidently, Shen weis father started laughing, 

"that is so true, strategy huh? very good very good, no wonder the draft of the proposal was so good" and he looked at Yunlan with a big smile.  He smiled back, and they all went back to chit chatting.  

For Yunlan he did it obviously to prevent his man to be stolen, but he had not lied, it was true that rushing a wedding now would raise lot of questions and rumors.

Shen wei and Zhu Hong came back, and they had already moved to the living room for some tea and sweets. Shen wei gave Yunlan an apologetic look, but Yunlan only smiled big at him, and gave him a quick wink. Shen wei was puzzled at this, as he sat down next to Yunlan, his dad said

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