Chapter Three - Shane

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I really tried to sleep, but I just couldn't. I pretended to sleep until Ed fell asleep. I got up and began to draw. Nothing in particular, well that's not true, I started to draw my mom. I did it as a pencil sketch so there wasn't ant color, but I could visualize. Blonde hair, blue eyes, pale, but sun kissed skin. And then next to her I began to draw my dad. Black hair, red eyes, tan skin. It was their wedding picture. Mom in a white dress, dad in a tux.
My eyes teared up,

why did they have to die? Why did the mercenaries have to kill them? They were so young.

I was only five at the time. I don't remember them well at all. I only have the pictures from the albums I was able to grab before I ran.

I had started to cry so I stopped drawing and opened a window, leaned on the ledge and just looked out. I heard Ed stir in his sleep so I closed the window and hurried back to bed. He opened his eyes, looked around, mumbled something, then went back to sleep.

That was a close one. I'll have to be more careful next time.

I didn't realize how long I had been up till I saw the sun breaking the horizon. The sky turned beautiful colors, rose, gold, dandelion, violet, and so much more.

I would've never thought that a sunrise here would be so much more beautiful than one back home.

At around 7:00-7:30 I heard Ed stir and wake up.

"Morning, sleepy head" I laughed "sleep well?"

"Quite", he said with a stretch and a yawn, "how long have you been up?"

"Not long" I lied.

"Really? " he asked looking suspicious.

"No, I've been up since I woke up from that nightmare. So since about 3."

"I thought you feel back asleep." Ed said looking a little confused.

"I faked so you would let yourself sleep. " I said shyly.

Ed saw my drawing walked over and picked it up.

"Who are they? " he asked quizzically.

"My parents." I mumbled.

"Oh, what happened to them? If you don't mind me asking." Ed asked.

"They were killed by rebel mercenaries who were opposed to the fact that not all of the Ishvalans being killed in the war. Since my mom married and Ishvalan they killed both her and my dad and I'm not sure why they left me alive." I said tearing up a bit at the end.

"Oh, my gosh..Shane. I'm so sorry." Ed said with seemingly genuine sincerity.

"It fine. It's in the past." I sighed.

Ed left to get ready for the day and I looked at my clothes. I took a shower and did my best to wash my clothes to make them look clean. I got dressed and met up with Ed and Al in the hallway.

"Hey guys" I said as cheerily and awake as I could.

"Good morning." Al said cheerily.

"Sup." Ed said with a bit of a smirk.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked looking between Ed and Al.

"First off, getting you new/more clothes. Then we're meeting up with Mustang for some of your training. Then we're meeting up with my friend, Winry." Ed said with a smile.

"Wait Winry's here?!" Al asked with excitement.

"Yeah, she came in this morning to visit us." Ed said with a smile.

I looked between the boys a little confused.

Who was Winry? Why do Ed and Al seem to have a love/hate relationship with her? Isn't Winry just Ed's mechanic?

Al noticing my confusion addressed it "Winry is our life - long friend and Ed's girlfriend as well as his automail mechanic."

"Oh got it." I felt a little embarrassed, I knew so much about these boys how could I not know that.

We headed out to a store decked full of clothes and other items. I looked around in shock.

No wonder everyone wants to come to Central, it's huge and gorgeous.

Ed smiled at me then said "Go pick out some clothes."

I stared at him in shock and confusion then said "Ed, I don't even know how to read past a fifth grade level, I have no clue what size I am in anything."

Ed laughed to himself "I figured something like that would happen so I planned ahead."

A woman began approaching us. She was wearing what looked like an employee uniform only she had a measuring tape around her neck and a chart in her hand. "Are you Ms. Shane Lichman? I was told she'd be seen with the Fullmetal Alchemist. "

"Yeah that's her, Caroline. You don't need to be formal." Ed laughed.

"Ok, and it's habit Ed. " she smiled politely and took me back to get my sizes and help me pick out clothes.


We were standing in Central station as the train pulled in. I could see a girl with long blonde hair waving at Ed and Al from one of the train windows.

"Is that Winry? " I asked Al.

He smiled at me and answered "yep, that's her. " in a very cheerful voice.

When Winry got up to us she immediately hugged Ed and Al before looking at me with a lot of confusion and asking Ed "who's this?"

"Shane Lichman, she's my student. " Ed said very nonchalantly.

My eyes were fixed on the ground infront of Winry's shoes, "Hello Ms. Rockbell." I said kinda quitely.

Winry acknowledged my greeting with a similar hello then talked to Ed and Al for the rest of the day. Seeing my presence wasn't really desired I hung back and followed behind the three at a bit of a distance. They all seemed so happy especially Ed and Winry they seemed like they were madly in love. It felt a little weird to be the only one out of my friends/teachers to not be dating anyone. It made me a little in comfortable but I didn't mind too much. Besides this was my first time ever having any real friends.

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