Chapter Four - Ed

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Winry seemed to not like Shane and I wasn't really sure why. Maybe it was because there was a girl hanging out with us and she was so used to it being just us three. I had gotten everything set up. We'd drop Al and Shane off with Mustang then they'd go with him to set up Winry's surprise. It as so perfect I couldn't wait to see her face when I pulled out that ring. Oh she'd be so happy.

"Ed?" A voice pulled me outta my thoughts
"What? I didn't do it." I said confused.
Winry laughed and said "I said, I can't wait for you to try out the new automail parts I made for you."
"Oh sweet. " I smiled. She was always so happy when she brought up automail, especially mine.

We dropped off Al and Shane and they hurried off to finish up setting up as Winry and I went out for dinner. It was a nice place but not super fancy since that wasn't Winry's style, or mine for that matter. We caught up from the past couple months, headed over to get ice cream then started walking back to the park's greenhouse where the surprise awaited. I could hardly contain my nerves and excitement. We got inside and Winry gasped. Vining flowers were everywhere and in full bloom, floating lights everywhere, it was perfect.
I smiled at Winry and said "I've been waiting to ask you this" I knelt down and pulled out the ring box "Winry you know I'm not much of a romantic guy so lemme just cut to the chase. Will you exchange all of your life if I give you all of mine? " I looked up and met her eyes they were teary.
"I can't, Ed. Im sorry. The guy I met in rush valley he.. " she trailed off.

I just stared at her in shock. I slowly got up then just walked out as calmly as I could I could hear Winry calling my name mixed with Al and Mustang. I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Go away, Al." I said fighting back tears.
"I'm not Alphonse." Shane said gently.
Without even asking she pulled me into a hug and wouldn't let go. She kinda reminded of mom in that way mom never let me out of a hug till she knew that I felt better. I didn't want to, but I broke down sobbing in her arms. Shane just held me and comforted me best she could. I felt someone else hug me and that I knew was Al the tight squeeze and Shane saying
"You're gonna suffocate him."
And Al's soft "oops you're right. "
It felt nice to have at least them looking out for me. I heard another pair of footsteps approaching I lifted my head to see Mustang's raven black hair he just said
"If you need anything, Fullmetal, you have my number and you know where I am."
I just nodded into Shane's shoulder. I heard Mustang say something to Shane and she said something back but I wasn't paying attention. After a little bit I was so tired Al had to carry me back to our hotel. Al just laid me down in bed and tucked me in after taking my red jacket and shoes. He hung up my jacket and put my red boots under them. Turned off the light, then got into bed. I just stared at the ceiling, tears streaming down my face.What could I have done differently? Am I not good enough for her? Did she ever really love me?
I remembered what Shane had said "If you need anything I'm here."
No I'm strong I'll be fine without her.
I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but I for the most part ended up crying, then crying myself to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of Al and Shane talking.
"I'm worried about him. That kinda blow especially from Winry. Just keep an eye on him for me? " Al asked
"Of course, Al. You're not the only one who's worried about him. " Shane said gently.
"I'm fine. " I mumbled.
"Brother!" Al exclaimed "how long have you been awake? "
"I just woke up. " I said with a yawn.
"Morning sleepyhead." Shane said with a smile.
"Hi." I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I got up and tugged on my jacket and shoes. "Y'all gotten breakfast yet?" I asked looking between them.
"Nope." Shane said "Al just woke up about 20 minutes ago and I've been up for a bit."
"Alright well c'mon." I sighed

I truged over to the cafeteria in central. On our way over I saw Winry out of the corner of my eye which just made me rush even faster and throw my red jacket onto Al so if she tried to stop me she'd stop Alphonse instead. Winry flagged me down and instead of reacting like a normal person I just threw the ring at her grabbed Shane's hand and stormed off pulling Shane behind me.

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