Chapter Nine - Shane

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"And that's how I became a State Alchmist. " I sighed as I concluded my story to my parents' headstones.

"You ready to go, Shane?" Ed asked walking up.

"Yeah, I was just updating my parents on the news." I said smiling.

Ed took my hand and we headed back towards the train station. It had been about a year and a half since I had passed my state certification test to become a state alchemist. I looked down at my engagement ring, the diamonds glittering in the fading sunlight.

I sat down on the train next to a very sleepy Ed who passed out the minute the train started moving. I looked at him and smiled. I remembered the day I swore to myself thay I would never love anyone so then no one could hurt me. I had never understood why my parents had gotten married or how they'd fallen in love. Now it all made sense to me. My parents died protecting each other just like I'd die protecting Ed. Besides I think Shane Elric has a better ring to it than Shane Lichman.

I looked over at my sleeping alchemist and smiled.

"I love you, Edward Elric." I said as I drifted off to sleep.

FINALLY DONE! Sorry not sorry about the sappy ending, but I couldn't resist 😅.  I hope y'all liked the story and feel free to give me more input on other story ideas cause rn I've got nothing. And fun fact Shane's alchemist name is one I  actually gave myself,  😉 I even have the silver pocket watch to prove I'm an alchemist. But yeah I hope y'all liked the story and I hope you'll check out my other story/stories.

Cairo out, peace!

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