Septiplier Coffee Shop

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Thank you shipping__queen224 for the great request hope you like and enjoy it.

Jack POV

It was a cold day in Ireland. I was doing my job at a coffee shop called 'Dirty Bean Water'. I love it but the job can get boring. I was cleaning the front counter where you order, then a customer walk in.

"Top to the morin' to ya welcome to Dirty Bean Water how may I help you? "

"Uh, hi I would like a Carmel Frappuccino please. " I hear the customer say in a deep voice. 'No way that's their real voice'. I look up and notice it was a man and he clearly wasn't from Ireland.

"Okay comeing right up, can I please have your name? "

"Oh, yeah my names Mark. "

"Okay Merk your order should be ready soon, "

"How much is it? "

"Its on the house since you have never been here before. " I look at Mark his face lit up with shock and happiness.

"You don't have to do that Seàn, " 'Wait how did he know my name, I don't wear a name tag or anything'

" Um, excuse me not to be rude or anything but how did you know my real name? "

"Oh, you don't remember me do you?" Mark says in a sad tone.  'Wait a minute'

"Merk!  Oh my glob I so sorry I been..met you in person and.. and, "

"It's okay we only play together on gmod with Bob and Wade no big deal. " Mark says in a sarcastic tone.

Mark POV

"It's okay we only play together on gmod with Bob and Wade no big deal. "I says in a sarcastic tone. I hear Jack laugh a little.

" Merk I'm sorry for real, "

"I already said it fine, so no worries. " Jack turns to grab the drink because the other worker Robin made it while we were talking.

"Here you go Merk hope you enjoy it,"

"Thanks again Jack, "

"No problem Merk. " I walk out of the coffee shop and notice a slip on paper on it. I read it to my self,

'If you need a place to go tonight call me (XXX) XXX-XXXX'

Ha I'm not done but I'll give ya a cliff hanger

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