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A/N: I know it's been a week and im really sorry, but as alwayssss, thank you thank you all for reading!! ♡


"Jaewook-ah!" his manager practically screamed.

"Aah what?! You don't need to shout you know." Jaewook scowled.

His manager huffed, "Well, I've been calling your name calmly a few times but obviously whoever you're texting right now is so much more important than the commercial we need to get to."

Jaewook quickly flicked his wrist to check the time and scurried to catch up with his manager, Chulmin, who was already halfway down the hallway. He wasn't really that interested for a commercial right now, especially since that meant he won't be filming with Minyoung today.

Chulmin shook his head and chuckled. They finally got to the parking lot and were on their way to his commercial shoot. His manager suddenly asked as he glanced at Jaewook through the rear mirror, "It's Minyoung-ssi, isn't it?"

Jaewook caught a glimpse of him but looked down right away without saying anything. He knew his manager would catch onto something no matter how hard he tries to hide it. Chulmin had been with him for the longest time and he's one of the people he trusts the most. Right now, he didn't know what to say though.

His manager continued, "Correct me if I'm wrong Jaewook-ah, but I don't think that your method acting is the only reason why your acting in the drama seems so real." He paused to see if he would say anything, but Jaewook didn't, so he went on. "Do you like her?"

"Hyung," he hesitantly spoke. "Maybe...? I don't really know. I'm not sure what I feel for her. It's just that... she makes me happy with every little thing she does." Jaewook sighed and ran his hands through his hair, suddenly anxious now that he had just said that out loud.

"I don't want to bring you down, but I feel like you have to know," Chulmin replied. "Minyoung has been doing this for a while now, Jaewook-ah. And all I've heard from people is how she really exerts effort to make her colleagues comfortable on the set. And to the fans... well, they see that differently."

Jaewook questioningly looked at him through the mirror, "What do you mean, hyung?"

"You watched her previous show, didn't you?"

"What's Wrong with Secretary Kim? Yes but... what about it?"

"Go on your phone and search up some news articles about them, and you'll know what I mean."

Jaewook grabbed his phone and did what his manager asked. "Mostly praises for the drama. We all know how good that was, but why do you want me to-- oh."

Jaewook's thumb hovered over one particular article that caught his eye.

Fans Insist That Park Minyoung and Park Seojoon Are Dating, Despite Endless Denials

Jaewook clicked on it and skimmed through the article, "These fans are making something out of nothing... They keep insisting they're right with these--evidences they have."

He saw his manager nod, "I know someone who works at Seojoon-ssi's label, and apparently, Seojoon and Minyoung became good friends through the drama, and now they couldn't even meet up even in award ceremonies because of the fans." He sighed before continuing, "What I'm saying is, Jaewook-ah, people will misunderstand no matter what. And sometimes, it gets to the point where the actors' lives get affected so much and they're the ones who will end up getting hurt along the way."

Jaewook let his words sink in and didn't really know what to say. Would he rather be selfish and keep his friendship with the girl, or be sensible enough to know that if what happened with his previous on-screen partner happened to him too, then he would end up getting hurt. "I'm getting hurt either way," he shook his head. "But I'd rather get that opportunity to see her even if it's just for promotions and award ceremonies. At least... I'll still be with her... she would just never know how I feel..."

Their Private Life (Park Minyoung x Kim Jaewook)Where stories live. Discover now