Fluttering (Ep. 7-8)

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A/N: Episode 8 is one of my top episodes really. It just brought me to a rollercoaster of emotions starting from Deokmi's imagination in the beginning, until the end of that episode where he didn't get to give her the flowers ㅠㅠ but i hope you all enjoy this update!! I'm forever thankful to everyone who's been putting up with this work and i do read your comments!! ♡


Several more filming days later and Jaewook was determined to keep his recent discovery about his feelings to himself. He figured that it wouldn't be good for the drama if real feelings got in the way. That would just be too complicated. So he just kept pretending that his heart didn't beat erratically when Minyoung was near.

It was easy enough to play it off as a banter with her anyway. He was contented with what they have right now, seeing her almost everyday, teasing each other, taking care of each other, messaging each other good night. Yes, they were getting closer as time passed by. It just seems like they're two actors who are working hard and just naturally have great chemistry. They're comfortable with what they have, and he's happy with that.

Tomorrow they're filming the scene where he went inside Deokmi's place for the first time--but blindfolded. He flipped through the pages of the script to review his lines, realizing that it was finally going to happen--the first real kiss for both of them. The one that happened last time was merely a peck on the lips. His thumb was even blocking the way. Tomorrow, he has to do the real thing, and he can't help but wonder if he would be able to handle his feelings well. They have to film other scenes in the morning, so he had the whole day to suffer by himself before they actually film the scene.

He put the script on his bedside table and grabbed his phone, opening their conversation right away. He smiled at how easy it was for the both of them to fall into this routine of messaging each other every night.


You messaged right on time.
I'm on break actually.

Jaewook frowned. He looked at the time and noted that it was 10:42 PM. Worried, he quickly replied back.

You're still working?

I just have a photoshoot.
Almost done though.

He sighed, concerned about the girl. She works so hard and he really can't do anything about it.

Okay, get home safe!
I'll see you tomorrow

Thanks oppa, see you!


The next day, Jaewook immediately approached Minyoung as soon as she got off her van.

"Minyoung-ah," he called, earning a smile from her which didn't fail to make his heart flutter. She already made his day, and it just started.

"You got home safe last night?" He asked as they both walked to the filming site.

"Yeah I did," she cheerfully replied. "You got here early. Hmm, someone's excited." She said in a teasing tone.

He just shrugged it off, not really able to think of anything to say. Good thing the director already called them to start filming.

The rest of the day seemed to happen so fast, and the time to film that scene was finally here. Sure they had a lot of laughs filming the parts just before that, especially when Jaewook accidentally toppled over basically everything in the washroom sink. But now, the atmosphere is different. Or maybe it's just him. He doesn't know anymore.

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